Päivärinta, Kallas Untamo

Census 1930

Name Päivärinta, Kallas Untamo
Home parish
Home parish Vilhelmina
Place of residence
Place of residence Latikberg N:o 5
Page in the parish register
Page in the parish register 748
Deanery Lappmarkens 1:a
County Västerbotten
Birth year
Birth year 1889
Birth place
Birth place Villmanstrand Vasa
Birth country
Birth country Finland
Occupation Kontraktsadjunkt
Occupation 1925
Occupation 1925 Lektor t.f.
Marital status
Marital status Gift
Marriage year
Marriage year 1919
Year of arrival
Year of arrival 1930
Arrived from
Arrived from Vuolijoki Finland
Gender Man
Family status code
Family status code Far/man
Family no
Family no 1
Education 9 (examen vid universitet och därmed jämställda skolor)
Page 64
Row 11
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

About the household

About the household

Persons in the household
Fam. no 1
Fam. no 1 Päivärinta, Kallas Untamo, b. 1889 in Villmanstrand Vasa, Finland, Kontraktsadjunkt
Saarinen, Aino Johanna, b. 1892 in Saarjärvi, Finland, Folkskolelärare f.d.
Knut Sulevi Ilkka, b. 1920 in Räisälä, Finland
Jaakko Hanniel Kallas, b. 1922 in Kuivaniemi, Finland
Aino Hilkka Svanhild, b. 1924 in Kemi, Finland
Kirsti Tuulikka Katri, b. 1925 in Kemi, Finland
Paavo Saul Petsamo, b. 1927 in Petsamo, Finland
Johannes Väinö Norja, b. 1929 in Petsamo, Finland