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Showing record 1-50 of 1327
1. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1840
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1880
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2. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1901
County: Gotlands län
Census year: 1910
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3. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1890
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1900
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4. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1890
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1890
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5. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1857
County: Gävleborgs län
Census year: 1880
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6. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1850
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1870

7. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1902
County: Gävleborgs län
Census year: 1910
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8. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1850
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1880
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9. Swedish National Biography
Name: Anund

Occupation: Kung
Death: levde på 800

10. Swedish National Biography
Name: Anund

Occupation: Kung
Death: levde på 600

11. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1890
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1910
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12. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1840
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1860

13. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1895
County: Kristianstads län
Census year: 1900
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14. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1901
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1910
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15. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1859
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1880
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16. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1859
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1870

17. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1864
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1880
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18. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1833
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1860

19. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1895
County: Kristianstads län
Census year: 1910
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20. Census
Name: Anund

Birth year: 1867
County: Norrbottens län
Census year: 1870

21. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 5 (1764)
County: Hallands län

22. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 6 (1767-1768)
County: Hallands län

23. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI:10 (1789-1790)
County: Hallands län

24. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI:16 (1825-1834)
County: Hallands län

25. Inventory of estates

Year: 1812
Place of residence: Nederbyn, GÄLLIVARE

26. Inventory of estates

Year: 1813
Place of residence: Finflo, HÄLSINGTUNA
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27. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 3 (1752)
County: Hallands län

28. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 5 (1761)
County: Hallands län

29. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 8 (1776-1777)
County: Hallands län

30. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 9 (1785-1786)
County: Hallands län

31. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 2 (1749-1750)
County: Hallands län

32. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 4 (1759-1760)
County: Hallands län

33. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 6 (1766-1767)
County: Hallands län

34. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI:13 (1809-1810)
County: Hallands län

35. Inventory of estates
Name: Thun, Anund

Year: 1745
Place of residence: Gävle, Gävle
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36. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Börsgård Drared

Volume (year): AI: 3 (1819)
County: Hallands län

37. Inventory of estates

Year: 1868
Place of residence: N.Iggesund, NJUTÅNGER
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38. Inventory of estates

Year: 1824
Place of residence: Iggesund, NJUTÅNGER
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39. Inventory of estates

Year: 1742
Place of residence: Semisjaur, ARJEPLOG
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40. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 3 (1751)
County: Hallands län

41. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 3 (1755)
County: Hallands län

42. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 4 (1757-1758)
County: Hallands län

43. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI:15 (1819-1825)
County: Hallands län

44. Inventory of estates

Year: 1805
Place of residence: Runemo, ALFTA
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45. Inventory of estates

Year: 1822
Place of residence: Skortsjö, SJÄLEVAD
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46. Inventory of estates

Year: 1796
Place of residence: Eden, NÄTRA
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47. Inventory of estates

Year: 1841
Place of residence: Njarg Racksund, ARJEPLOG
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48. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 4 (1758-1759)
County: Hallands län

49. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI: 5 (1762)
County: Hallands län

50. Village and farm names
Name: Anund Torsgård Backa

Volume (year): AI:13 (1810-1811)
County: Hallands län