Torsdagen den 11 juli, klockan 16.30–22.00, pågår underhållsarbete på webbplatsen. Arbetet påverkar såväl webb som bildvisningen och vi ber om överseende för de störningar som kan uppkomma till följd av detta arbete.
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Showing record 1-9 of 9
1. Inventory of estates
Name: Rosander, Petter Gabriel Ludvig

Year: 1898
Place of residence: Blackstad, Blackstad
Relative's name: Rosander, Emilia Sophia

2. Inventory of estates
Name: Pettersson Johansson, Sophia Charlotta

Year: 1893
Place of residence: Backebyn, Blackstad
Relative's name: Johansson, Johan Adolf

3. Inventory of estates
Name: Pettersson Johansson, Sophia Charlotta

Year: 1893
Place of residence: Backebyn, Blackstad
Relative's name: Johansson, Johan Adolf

4. Inventory of estates
Name: Pettersson, Anders Johan

Year: 1889
Place of residence: Ålhult, Blackstad
Relative's name: Pettersson Jansson, Maria Sophia

5. Inventory of estates
Name: Johansson Pettersson, Sophia Charlotta

Year: 1893
Place of residence: Backebyn, Blackstad
Relative's name: Johansson, Johan Adolf

6. Inventory of estates
Name: Johansson Pettersson, Sophia Charlotta

Year: 1893
Place of residence: Backebyn, Blackstad
Relative's name: Johansson, Johan Adolf

7. Inventory of estates
Name: Johansson, Johan Adolf

Year: 1893
Place of residence: Blackstad
Relative's name: Johansson Pettersson, Sophia Charlotta

8. Inventory of estates
Name: Carlsson, Johan Alfred

Year: 1893
Place of residence: Bjärka Kvarn, Blackstad
Relative's name: Carlsson Björkegren, Carolina Sophia

9. Inventory of estates
Name: Brandt, Anders Petter

Year: 1893
Place of residence: Blackstad, Blackstad
Relative's name: Brandt Persdotter, Anna Sophia