Victor Theodor Ferdinand

Birth records

Name Victor Theodor Ferdinand
Birth date
Birth date 1833-03-26 (födelse)
Parish Ronneby
Father's name
Father's name Ahlgren, Johan Adolph
Father's occupation
Father's occupation handlande
Father's place of residence
Father's place of residence Ronneby 111
Mother's name
Mother's name Heffner, Johanna Sophia
Mother's birthdate/age
Mother's birthdate/age 35
Witness of baptism
Witness of baptism Bars af Prostinnan S. M. Wettergrund ibm. Test. Fru Lagström, Fru Ekholtz, Mamsellerne Fredrica Bolin, S. Bolin. M. Isberg, Soph. Ahlgren. Liuet. C. Ringsten. Herr Bolin, Ryden. Handl. Kamph. A. Rolander. R. Swanlund. Secr. Berggren.
Archive Ronneby kyrkoarkiv (SE/LLA/13316)
Volume C I:10 s. 255
Register Födelseregister - Skåne, Blekinge och Hallands län
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Created by Riksarkivet i Lund