Sophia Karolina

Birth records

Name Sophia Karolina
Birth date
Birth date 1860-09-11 (födelse)
Parish Gammalstorp
Father's name
Father's name Lindgren, Lars
Father's occupation
Father's occupation skollärare
Father's place of residence
Father's place of residence N-o 44 Agerum
Mother's name
Mother's name Svensdotter, Kjerstin
Mother's birthdate/age
Mother's birthdate/age 39
Witness of baptism
Witness of baptism Arrend. Sven Svenss.s i Gtrp. hustru Inga Olsdr; B-n Ola Perss. å N. 44 och Per Perss. å N. 45 Agerum
Archive Gammalstorps kyrkoarkiv (SE/LLA/13105)
Volume C I:7 s. 37
Register Födelseregister - Skåne, Blekinge och Hallands län
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet i Lund