Ullrica Sophia

Birth records

Name Ullrica Sophia
Birth date
Birth date 1835-12-07 (födelse)
Parish Rebbelberga
Father's name
Father's name Hjalmar, A.
Father's occupation
Father's occupation afskedad husar och torpare
Father's place of residence
Father's place of residence Rebbelberga
Mother's name
Mother's name Olsdotter, Olu
Mother's birthdate/age
Mother's birthdate/age 39
Witness of baptism
Witness of baptism Bars af Arr. Gudmund Pehrssons hustru Ana Olsdotter i Tostarp. Vittne Husar Decker och Torp. Nils Pehrsson i Rebb. samt pigorna Petronella Pettersdotter i Engelholm och Elsa Hansd. i Rebb.
Archive Rebbelberga kyrkoarkiv (SE/LLA/13307)
Volume C I:2 s. 150
Register Födelseregister - Skåne, Blekinge och Hallands län
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet i Lund