Olsen, Svend Oskar Valdemar

Census 1910

Name Olsen, Svend Oskar Valdemar
Home parish
Home parish Malmö Sankt Petri
Place of residence
Place of residence Kv. 62 S:t Jörgen VI e Boken N:o 7
Deanery Oxie
County Malmöhus
Birth year
Birth year 1848
Birth country
Birth country Danmark
Occupation Konditor f.d.
Marital status
Marital status Ogift
Gender Man
Family status code
Family status code Ensamstående
Family no
Family no 5
Other Döpt o konf. i Danska kyrkan
Nationality Svensk medborgare
Page 133
Row 16
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

About the household

About the household

Persons in the household
Fam. no 1
Fam. no 1 Bredberg Brown, Hulda Gustafva Kristina, b. 1849 in Malmö Sankt Petri Malmöhus län, Konditorsänka
Trollehage Benstedt, Klara, b. 1900 in Malmö Sankt Petri Malmöhus län
Fam. no 2
Fam. no 2 Andersson, Anna, b. 1856 in Östra Torp Malmöhus län
Fam. no 3
Fam. no 3 Behnstedt, Trolle Edmund, b. 1889 in Malmö Sankt Petri Malmöhus län
Fam. no 4
Fam. no 4 Behnstedt, Hage Thiers, b. 1891 in Malmö Sankt Petri Malmöhus län
Fam. no 5
Fam. no 5 Olsen, Svend Oskar Valdemar, b. 1848 in Danmark, Konditor f.d.