Fr 9282

Medieval book fragments

Archival institution
Archival institution KA (i ARKIS: RA)
NAD shelfmark
NAD shelfmark 5102.20
Archival collection
Archival collection Fogdarnas förslag
Year of use/Archival unit
Year of use/Archival unit 15:19 Norrland 1613
Main subject field
Main subject field Lit
Dating 1484
Type of manuscript
Type of manuscript Missale
Title of work
Title of work Missale Upsalense vetus
Contents Bl. C. II; C. IX.
Place of origin
Place of origin Stockholm: Johann Snell
Incunabula/early printed book
Incunabula/early printed book Collijn 1, S. 29 ff.
Writing material
Writing material Pergament
Number of leaves
Number of leaves 2
Measures, leaf
Measures, leaf *34.0 x 24.5
Damages Beschnitten oben und unten.