Lovisa Sophia

Birth records

Name Lovisa Sophia
Birth date
Birth date 1869-05-29 (födelse)
Parish Mörrum
Father's name
Father's name Johansson, J. P.
Father's occupation
Father's occupation skollärare
Father's place of residence
Father's place of residence Skolhuset
Mother's name
Mother's name Johannisdotter, Johanna
Mother's birthdate/age
Mother's birthdate/age 34
Witness of baptism
Witness of baptism Fru Louise Heiman å N-r 17 Hästaryd. Mamsell Thilda Lindahl å N-o 19 Hästaryd och Bondsonen Nils Jepsson å N-r 28 Mörrum.
Archive Mörrums kyrkoarkiv (SE/LLA/13275)
Volume C I:8 s. 100
Register Födelseregister - Skåne, Blekinge och Hallands län
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Created by Riksarkivet i Lund