

Fackföreningsinternationalen [samling]


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Allmän anmärkningTryck i kronologisk ordning:
Se också vol. 39-42.

Report on Hungary. The ICFTU summary of the UN special committee's report on the problem of Hungary

Free trade unions in the developing democracies by C. H. Millard

A college of their own

"In the heart of mother Africa..."

The college on the equator. The story of the ICFTU educational activities in Africa

To live in freedom! The role of the ICFTU in the struggle for the rights of the Algerian workers

John P. Windmuller, ICFTU after ten years: problems and prospects (New York state school of industrial and labor relations at Cornell university)

ICFTU. What it is. How it works. What it does

Vi ich FFI

ICFTU. What it is. How it works. What it does

The rights of working women

George Meany, The ICFTU : estimate and perspective (Reprinted from the June 12, 1965 issue of the AFL-CIO News)

The ICFTU and women workersTryck i kronologisk ordning: Se också vol. 39-42 1966 IBFG. Was ist der IBFG. Wie arbeitet er. Was leistet er How your union works Free trade unions for economic and social progress- The economic and social policies of the ICFTU 1967 Medlemsorganisationerna i FFI 1968 Financing housing 1960 Memorandum sobre el informe de Grupo de estudio de la ORIT sobre Espana, noviembre de 1969 1970 Multinational corporations (Cirkulär nr. 9, 1970) John P. Windmuller, Internationalism in eclipse : the ICTFU after two decades (Reprinted from Industrial and labor reletaions review, vol. 23, no. 4, July 1970) 1971 ICFTU viewpoint. A selection of editorials from Free labour world Race and prejudice. International year for action to combat racism and racial disccrimination 1972 Christer Asplund, Some aspects of workers' participation 1973 The challenge of the future. ICFTU tasks and programmes Tryck i kronologisk ordning: Se också vol. 39-42. 1975 Charter. The right of working women ICFTU youth chater / Chartre C.I.S.L de la jeuness / IBFG-Jugendcharta / Carta CIOSL para la juventud Save billions - benefit billions 1996 1996 års redogörelse för brott mot fackliga rättigheter 1997 Den globala marknaden fackföreningarnas största utmaning u.å. Women workers. You need the trade unions. The trade unions need you Berufstätige Frauen. Die Gewerkschaften braucht Euch und Ihr braucht die Gewerkschaften ICFTU. The organisation of the workers of the world [två olika utgåvor] ICFTU. Workers of Africa! CISL. L'organisation des travailleurs dans le monde CISL. Travailleurs Africains! The force of the future Die Kraft der Zukunft La force de l'avenir What the ISF is doing


Skapad2019-10-23 11:55:00
Senast ändrad2019-10-23 11:55:00