Torsdagen den 11 juli, klockan 16.30–22.00, pågår underhållsarbete på webbplatsen. Arbetet påverkar såväl webb som bildvisningen och vi ber om överseende för de störningar som kan uppkomma till följd av detta arbete.

[Enstaka publikationer]



ReferenskodSE/RA/420699/01/B 11/4
Länk till posten
1987 – 1991  (Tidsomfång)
ArkivinstitutionRiksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby


Allmän anmärkningEnheten för arbets- och miljöfysiologi, artiklar och särtryck:
Bjelle A: Hagberg M: Michaelsson G: Work-related shoulder-neck complaints in industry
Gerdle B; Eriksson NE; Hagberg M; Fridén f: Surface EMG power spectra of the upper trapezius muscle during isokinetic shoulder forward flexion
Hagberg M: Momentan överbelastning av axel-halsrygg - -uppkomst och prognos av skada
Hagberg M: Nackskulderregionen
Hagberg M: Occupational shoulder-neck disorders
Hagberg M: Shoulder pain -pathogenesis
Hagberg M; Hagner IM; Bjelle A: Shoulder muscle strength, endurance and electromytographic fatigue in aknolysing spondylitis
Hagberg M; Stenberg B; Sundelin G: The use of sign language as an aggraving factor in shoulder tendinitis, as case history of death-mute cleaner
Hagberg M; Thomansson L; Cardell H; Milosevich B; Nilsson L: Risk assessment of musculoskeletal symptoms among platers
Hagberg M; Wegman DH: Prevalence rates and odds rations of shoulder neck diseases in different occupational groups
Hagberg M; Ängguist KA; Eriksson NE; Gerdle B; Lindman R; Thornell LE: EMG_force relationsship in patients with occupational shoulder-neck myofascial pain
Eriksson NE; Hagberg M; Gerdle B; Friden H: Changes of EMG power spectrum during dynamic contractions
Hagberg C; Eriksson NE; Hagberg M; Gerdle B; Jonsson B: Frequency analyses of electromyographic activity of muscles with different fibre type compositions
Hagberg C; Eriksson NE; Hagberg M; Gerdle B; Jonsson B: Frequency analyses of electromyographic activity of masticatory muscles with different type compositions
Hagberg c; Hagberg M: Arbetsmiljöns betydelse för besvär i skuldra och halsrygg
Hagberg M: Arbetsrelaterade besvär från nacke, skuldra och hand.
Hagberg M: Occupational musculoskeletal disorders: A new epidemiological challenge?
Hagberg M; Eriksson NE; Gerdle B; Ängquist KA; Lindman R; Thorell LE; EMG_relationship in patients with occupational shoulder-neck myofascial pain
Johanson G: Aspects og bilological monitoring of exposure to glycol ethers
Johanson G; Dynesius B: Liquid/air partipation coefficients of six commonly used glycol ethers
Johanson G, Boman A, Dynesius B: Percutaneous absorption of 2-butoxenthanol in man
Johanson G, Dynesius B: Liquid/air partition coefficients of six commonly used glycol ethers
Johanson G, Fernström P: Influence of water on the percutaneous absorption of 2-butoxethanol in guinea pigs
Johanson G, Näslund PH: Spreadsheet programming - a new approach on physiologically based modeling of solvent toxicokinetics
Kolmodin.Hedman B, Hansson Mild K, Hagberg M, Jönsson E, Andersson MC: operators of plastic welding Machines and exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields
Nilsson T, Hagberg M, Burström L: Odds ratios of vibration in White fingers in different exposure categories of platers
Sundelin G, Hagberg M, Hammarström U: The effects on EMG load levels of different kinds of pauses in VDT work
Wigeaus Hjelm E, Näslund PH, Wallén M: Influence of cigarette smoking on the toxicokinetics of toluene in man
Hagberg C, Hagberg M: Muscular tenderness evaluated by Surface EMG frequency analysis of isometric contractions
Hagberg C, Hagberg M: Surface EMG amplitude and frequency dependence on exerted force for upper trapezius muscle: a comparasion between rigt and left sides
Hagberg C, Hagberg M: Risks and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among dentists
Hagner IM, Hagberg M: Evaluation of two-floor mopping work methods by measurement of work load
Johanson G: Analysis of ethylene glycol ether metabolites in urine by extraactive alkylation and electron-capture gas chromatography
Johanson G, Michel I, Norbäck D, Nise G, Tillberg A, Biological monitoring of exposure to ethylene glycol ethers
Nilsson T, Burström L, Hagberg M: Risk assessment of vibration exposure and White fingers among platers
Sundelin G, Hagberg M: The effects of different pause types on neck and shoulder EMG actitity during VDU work
Falk A, Löf A, Wigaeus Hjelm E, Gullstrand E: Liquid/air partition coefficients of four terpenes
Falk A, Löf A, Wigeus Hjelm E, Hagberg M, Zhiping W: Uptake, Distribution and elimination of a-pinene in man after exposure by inhalation
Hagberg C, Hagberg M: stela nackar och onda ryggar, arbetsskador kan förebyggas.
Hagberg C, Hagberg M, Hellsing G: Perception of cutaneous electrical stimulation in patients with craniomandibular disorders
Hagberg M: Assessing prevalence rates and association of occupational musculoskeletal disorders: examination of total sample versus questionnaire positives
Hagberg M, Hansson-Risberg E, Jorulf L, Lindstrand O, Milosevich B, Norlin D, Thomasson L, Widman L: Höga risker för besvär i händerna hos vissa yrkesgrupper
Johansson G: Modelling of respitory Exchange of polar solvents
Kihlbom Å, Hagberg M: Arbetsrelaterade muskuloskeletala sjukdomar - riskyrken och riskfaktorer
Liira J, Johanson G, Riihimäk V: Dosedependent kinetics of inhaled methyl ethyl ketone in man
Löf A, Hansen SH, Näslund PH, Steiner E, Wallén M, Wigaeus Hjelm E: Relationship between uptake and elimination of toulene and debrisoquine hydroxylation
Löf A, Wallén M, Wigaeus Hjelm E: Influence of paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid on the toxicokinetics of toluene
Nilsson T, Hagberg M, Burström L, Lundström R: Prevalence and odds ratios of numbness and carpal tunnel syndrome in different exposure categories of platers
Sato A, Kaneko T, Endoh K, Johansson G: Relationship between external and internal doses or organic solvent vapors
Sundelin G, Hagberg M: Mikropausers betydelse vid enkelt repetitivt arbete för upplevelse av trötthet och lokal belastning på skuldra-nacke
Wigaeus-Hjelm E, Hagberg M,: Exponering för metylisobutylketon. effekter, upptag och elimination hos människa
Wigaeus Hjelm E, Hagberg M, Iregren A, Löf A: Exposure to methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK). Toxicokinetics and occurence of irritative and CNS symptoms in man
Aringer L, Löf A, Elinder C-G: The applicability of the measurement of urinary thioethers:A study of humans exposed to styrene during diet standardization
Ekenbeck K, Hagberg M: Dålig prognos vid svåra skulder- nacke besvär
Ekenvall L, Hagberg M, Lundborg G, Lundström R: Att förebygga vibrationsskador
Falk A, Wigaeus Hjelm E, Hagberg M, Löf A, Zhiping W: Human exposure to 3-carene by inhalation: Toxicokinetics effects on pulmonary function and occuranse of ittative and CNS-symptoms
Hagberg C, Hagberg M: Nakkestivhed og rygsmerter, arbejdsskader kan forebygges
Hagberg M, Nyström Å, Zetterlund B: Recovery from symptoms after carpal tunnel syndrome surgery in males in relation to vibration exposure
Hofmann F, Toomingas A: Aspekte der Schwedische Arbeitsmedizin
Hofmann F, Toomingas A: Zur Ausbildung und Ausbildungssituation im Betriebsärztligen Bereich in Schweden
Hoffman F, Hagberg M, Bygdeman U: Arbeitmedizinische Versorgung von Angehörigen des Schwedischen Gesundheitsdienst
Hofmann F, Hagberg M, Bygdeman U: Zur Situation der arbeitsmedizinischen Betreuung von Krankenhausbeschäftingen i Schweden
Johanson G: Modelling of respiratory Exchange of polar solvents
Johanson G, Boman A: Percutaneous uptake of 2-butoxyethanol vapour in man
Johanson G, Johanson S: Gas chromatographic determination of botoxyacetic acid in human blood after exposure to 2-butoxyethanol
Kihlberg S, Friberg M, Hagberg M, Jorulf L, Hansson JE, Östergren CE: Machines portatives - assemblage
Lindberg R, Hagberg M, Ängkvist KA, Söderlund K, Hultman E, Thornell LE: Chnges in muscle morphology in chronic trapezius myalgia
Lundberg P, Löf A, Johanson G, Wennberg A, Högberg J, Holmberg B: New Swedish occupational standards for some organic solvents
Löf A, Oregren A, Toomingas A, Wang Z: Irritativa effekter efter exponering för n-butylacetat
Nygård CH, Karlqvist L, Wigaeus Hjelm E, Wictorin C, Winkel J: Validity of selfreported occupational Life-time physical activity
Sato A, Kaneko T, Endoh K, Johansson G: Effects of consumption of ethanol on the biological monitoring of exposure to organic solvents vapours: a simulation study with trichloroethylene
Sato A, Kaneko T, Endoh K, Johansson G: A simulation study of physiological factors affecting pharmacokintetic behaviour of organic solvent vapours
Shcwegler U, Xiulan J, Kessler W, Johansson G, Filser JG: Pharmakokinetic von styrol bei Ratte undMaus und Bestimmung von Styrol-7, 8-oxid
Toomingas A, Hagberg M, Jorulf L, Nilsson T, Burström L, Kihlberg S: Outcome of the abduction external rotation test among manual and office workers
Wigaeus Hjelm E, Nygård CH, Karlqvist L, Wictorin C, Winkel J: Validitet av enkätfrågor om upplevd fysisk anssträngning och fysisk aktivitet
Wigaeus Hjlem E, Nygård CH, Karlqvist L, Wictorin C, Winkel J: Validity of questions regarding physical activity and perceived exertion in occupational work
Winkel J, Dallner M, Ericson M, Fransson C, Nygård CH, Karlqvist L, Selin K, Wigaeus Hjelm E, Wictorin C: Evalation of a questionnaire for the estimation of physical load on epidemiologic studies
Wigaeus Hjelm E, Hagberg M, Johansson G, Boman A, Fernström P: Percutaneous uptake and kinetics of mythyl isobutyl ketone
Med publikationslistor för enheten för socialpsykologi


Skapad2014-07-08 14:47:45
Senast ändrad2015-04-02 11:13:40