Torsdagen den 13 juni, klockan 16.30–22.00, pågår underhållsarbete på webbplatsen. Arbetet påverkar såväl webb som bildvisningen och vi ber om överseende för de störningar som kan uppkomma till följd av detta arbete.



KategoriÖvriga. Ospecificerad
HistorikThe Geary Donation of Art Glass Material.
Our interest in Swedish and Scandinavian art glass started in 1958 when my wife Margareta joined the Orrefors Glas Works at their gallery in New York City.
I was introduced to glass blowing by visiting and taking lessons at the New York Experimental Glass Work Shop in Little Italy, New York.
My life was changed by working with the glass pipe and molten glass when I left my executive positions at a major, American reinsurance company near Wall Street to attend the glass school at Orrefors, while Margareta was asked by management to come to Stockholm and start up their new gallery in Stockholm.
Nordic Art Glass Inc. was a USA company we started later in Colorado to buy, sell and market Scandinavian art glass. Production and art glass was sold to various Swedish and American clients including the US Olympic Committee.
The Appraisers Association of America juried me into their membership to appraiser collections of art glass from artists and companys from around the world. These appraisals were done for insurance and estate purposes.
During these activities, to increase our knowledge base, we constantly looked for books, tools, color rods, pamphlets, slides and corporate brochures on production and art glass.
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