
Boksamling - låda 4

Per Emil Brusewitz


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Allmän anmärkningEconomic literature. Manuals for industry, agriculture, services etc.

1. The First year of the Five Year Plan. A. Kaktyn' Full speed towards socialism. 1930 (?)
2. The Five Year Plan in implementation. V. Cegner. Socialist construction in the autonomous republics. 1930 (?)
3. Ya. Gindin (ed.) Supply of workforce to the national economy and support for the unemployed. 1928 (+)
4. A.P. Rudanovsky. The guiding principles of accounting and reporting at state economic conglomerates. 1924 (?)
5. E. Mikulina. The competition of the masses (Sorevnovanie mass). 1929
6. An excursion to the Volkhov Power Station construction site. 1924 (?)
7. E.K. Ivanov, L.P. Azheganov, V.G. Lopatik. The experience of mobilizing internal production reserves in the Kalinin district of the city of Leningrad. 1955 (-)
8. The Trust System in Our Industry (Nasha trestirovannaya promyshlennost'). 1922 (+)
9. G.I. Krumin. The roads of economic policy (Puty khoziaistvennoi politiki). 1924 (+)
10. The automatization of mechanical processing and assembly processes. 1967 (--)
11. Economic, Soviet and Party Buildup (an album of diagrams). 1928 (?)
12. N. Svyatitsky. The current situation of our trusts. 1923 (+)
13. The cooperator's companion for 1922 (?)
14. G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, E.I. Kviring, N.A. Kovalevsky. Problems of composing the comprehensive plan (Problemy postroeniia generalnogo plana). 1930 (+)
15. The first year of the Five Year Plan. V.A. Borodin. Labour. 1930 (?)
16. V.G. Khomenko. The simplest mechanization at the fruit and vegetable depots (Prosteishaya mekhanizatsiia na plodoovoshchnykh basakh) 1957. (-)
17. N. Mokienko. The Stalingrad Tractor Factory - the first child of industrialization. 1931 (-)
18. The rural Sviet and collectivization. 1930 (-)
19. The Sixth Five Year Plan. (A propaganda edition). 1956 (?)
20. S. Tamarkin. Our loans and the socialist construction. 1930 (?)
21. V.E. Motylev. The problem of the tempo of the USSR's development. 1929 (? - lots of handwritten notes by Brusewitz)
22. A.A. Kurinov. Main tasks of bread provisioning for 1930/31. 1930 (-)
23. W. Ulbricht. Economic democracy. 1930 (?)
24. On the use of dynamite for forest cleaning and other works. 1919 (-)
25. L. M. Mordukhovich. Essays on the history of economic concepts. 1957 (-)
26. Methods of collective labour. Issue 3. 1925 (+)
27. G.I. Shaposhnikov. The new import customs tariff in the USSR. 1924 (+)
28. The organization of cooperatives' work. Collection of essays. 1918 (+)
29. D.A. Bondarev. Study the political economy. 1924. (-)
30. S.Ya. Gessen. Food supply for cities. 1930 (-)
31. N. Vologdin. Loans for peasants before and now. 1924 (?)
32. G. Zhuikov. Accounting and control at the collective animal farms. 1959 (-)
33. Automatic management and protection systems for medium-power hydroelectric stations (--)
34. P. Kozhany. Workers' cooperatives. A plan of a lecture course. 1924 (-)
35. B. Klimentov. Field tests at collexctive and state farms. 1959 (--)
36. A way to a profession. 1955 (-)
37. Materials for studying the effectiveness of capital investments into industry. 1930 (?)
38. How to introduce the industrial plan to every workplace. 1930 (?)
39. A. Kazakov. The economic situation of the agricultural proletariat before the October revolution and now. 1930 (-)
40. P.E. Doroshenko. The USSR's agriculture in 1959-1965 (?)
41. The study of taxation subjects and methods of taxation. 1930 (?)
42. E. Preobrazhensky. From NEP to Socialism. 1922 (+)
43. V.G. Komyakhov. Organizational work is a prerequisite of success. 1962 (-)
44. A. Olin. What did the 7-day labour week give us (Chto dala nepreryvka). 1930 (-)
45. V.I. Zubchenko. Oil in the Five Year Plan ("Catch up and overcome" series). 1929 (-)
46. V. Leventahl. Metals in the Five Year Plan ("Catch up and overcome" series). 1930 (-)
47. N. Mednikov. Industry in the second year of the Five Year Plan ("The five year plan in operation" series). 1930 (-)
48. V. Levin. To fulfull the Five Year Plan in 4 years ("The Five Year Plan in operation" series). 1930 (-)
49. Yu. Flakserman. Electrification is the basis of socialist construction ("The Five Year Plan in operation" series). 1930 (-)
50. A progressive regional cooperative union (Peredovoi Raipotrebsoiuz). 1956(-)
51. E. Preobrazhensky. Economic crises during the NEP. 1924 (?)
52. L.I. Itin. Methods to imrove the usage of industrial enterprises' production potential. 1956 (?)
52. A short review of the USSR's electrification. 1929 (+)
53. E. Preobrazhensky. The new economy. 1926 (+)
54. P.I. Lyashchenko. The social economy of agriculture. Vol. 2. 1930 (?)
55. B.P. Korol'kievich. Germany's financial and economic legislation and measures against the Entente powers during the current war. 1919 (?)
56. The Scientific and Technical Department of the Supreme Council of the National Economy. The activities of the Republic's scientific and technical institutions in 1918-19. (+)
57. A report on the situation of the transport cooperative organizations. 1927 (?)
58. M.Yu. Tsinkov. The increase of animal farming production and the reduction of its production costs in collective and state farms. 1961 (-)
59. The problem of cadres. 1930 (-)
60. V. Shemyatovskii. Problems of fuel in the Five Year Plan ("The Five Year Plan in Operation" series). 1930 (-)
61. The system of economic management in the "40 liet Oktyabria" collective farm (Saratov region). 1958 (-)
62. Questions of socialist economy. A collection of essays. 1956 (-)
63. A.A. Arzumanian. The crisis of world capitalism at the present moment. 1962 (-)
64. S.A. Alekseyev. The economy of the housing industry. 1966 (?)
65. V. Karpinskii. The collective farm buildup and the Party's policy. 1930 (?)
66. M. Borzdyka. Simple conversations about bread and the requisition books. 1929 (+ : lots of notes by Brusewitz)
67. Yu.S. Kukushkin. The role of the rural Soviets in socialist transformation in the countryside in 1929-32. 1962 (? - lots of notes by Brusewitz)
68. Mechanization of labour-consuming operations at animal farms. 1957 (-)
69. Zalkind. The history of the Russian factory. 1923 (?)
70. I.A. Evenko. The development of Soviet national economy during the Seven Year Plan. 1959 (-)
71. I.G. Popov. Rationalization of work in agriculture. 1959 (? - lots of notes by Brusewitz)
73, V.L. Spiegelman. Establishment of prices for collective farm products in the USSR. 1959 (-)
74. A.V. Vorobyova. Capital funds and production costs in industry (Osnovnye fondy i sebestoimost' produktsii v promyshlennosti). 1962 (-)
75. The All-Union Research Institute of Agricultural Economy. Presentations. 1959 (-)
76. V.K. Fedinin. The new system of agricultural products' reservation and the economy of collective-farm production. 1959 (? - lots of notes by Brusewitz).
77. G. Gaponenko, M. Goreodskii. On the new system of agricultural products reservation at the collective farms. 1959 (? - lots of notes by Brusewitz)
78. M. Kogon, I. Schenkman. Russia's export potential. 1922 (+)
79. The ways to the improvement and socialist reconstruction of agriculture. A collection of essays. 1929 (+)
80. S. Strumilin. The time budget of a Russian worker and peasant in 1922-23. 1924 (+)
81. B. Polevoi, G. Kupriyanov. A factory under trial. 1930 (-)
82. G. Frin'ko. The national economy during the Five Year Plan. 1929 (?)
83. A, Garin, L. Zheleznov. The competition of millions. 1929 (+: lots of notes by Brusewitz)
84. K.M. Smirnov. A production plan of an agricultural collective (an approximate scheme). 1930 (-)
85. The "Gigant" grain state farm. 1930 (-)
86. S. Liubarskii. Collective farms' taxation privileges. 1930 (+). A postcard in Swedish addressed to Brusewitz enclosed.
87. An instruction on accounting and reporting at the collective farms. 1930 (-)
88. A.D. Volkovich. Coal in the Five Year Plan ("Catch up and overcome" series). 1929 (-)
89. A.L. Weinstein. Problems of contemporary international statistics for labour and industry. 1927 (+)
90. A. Bowley. Elements of statistics. Pt. 1. Translated from English. 1927 (-)
91. M.P. Rudakov. Struggle against losses and the reduction of production costs. "The Five Year Plan in operation" series. 1930 (-)
92. N. Mednikov. Metals in the Five Year Plan. "Catch up and overcome" series. 1929 (-)
93. N. Mamchenko. Cotton in the Five Year Plan. "Catch up and overcome" series. 1930 (-)
94. F.M. Konar. Paper industry in the Five Year Plan. "Catch up and overcome" series. 1930 (-)
95. D. Friedman. Non-stop production at the electrotechnical industry's enterprises. 1930 (-)
96. I. Khankin. The Red Banner Tractor Factory. 1930 (-)
97. The collectivization of agriculture. Theory and practice in the Marxist interpretation. 1926 (-)
98. V.V. Zaitsev, V.A. Borissov. A collective farm's long term plan. 1959 (-)
99. The economy of the USSR. A short review. 1925 (-)
100. A.A. Vagin. Questions of economy in the history course for schools. 1955 (? - lots of notes by Brusewitz)
101. M. Rubinstein. Capitalist rationalization. 1929 (-)
102. P. Maslov. Agricultural statistics. 1930 (-)
103. P. Maslov. The overpopulation of the Russian village. 1930 (+: lots of notes by Brusewitz).
104. The system of financial management in the USSR (Organizatsiia finansovogo upravleniia SSSR). 1924 (?)
105. A. Chayanov. The organization of cooperative sales. 1918 (+ : Chayanov was among the leading Soviet economists in the 1920s, and his book might be of interest for the library)
106. A. Lesokhin. Standartization and mass production. 1930 (?)
107. N. Kornilov. Statistics. The method of mass observation. A manual. 1918 (-)
108. The perspectives of the industry's development for 1925/26 - 1929/30. Issue 6. The territorial organization of industry. 1927 (+)
109. The perspectives of the industry's development. Issue 8. The perspectives of fuel supply of the USSR. 1927 (+)
110. V. Smushkov. The economic policy of the Russian Federation. A textbook for Soviet and Party schools. 1923(-)
111. A. Lositskii. The current situation of cattle breeding in Russia. 1924 (-)
112. A yearly report of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. 1922 (?)
113. Foreign trade of the USSR (for 1923). A collection of essays. 1924 (+)
114. Ukraininan industry in 1921. Materials from the report of the Ukraininan Economic Council. 1922 (+)
115. A.I. Tiutiunnikov, V.A. Pilipenko. Summer pasturing of the cattle. 1957 (-)
116. Agriculture during the Sixth Five Year Plan. A collection of essays. 1957 (-)
117. The All-Russian agricultural and artisan industry exhibition. Documents and materials. 1923.
118. D.I. Reitynbarg. Socialist competition to reduce the level of workplace accidents. 1930 (-)
119. R. Arskii. Industry and the worker. (-)
120. The report of the Board of the Central Cooperative Union to the XVIII Session of the Council of the Union. 1927 (+)
121. K. Samoilova. Today's unemployment and the struggle against it. 1918 (?)
122. Timber export. Results, tasks, needs. 1924 (+)
123. The fulfillment of the Five Year Plan for inbdustry. Materials to V. Kuibyshev's report to the XVI CPSU Congress. 1930 (+)
124. I.M. Kulisher. Industry and the working class in Western Europe in the XVI - XVIII centuries. 1922 (-)
125. V. Lebedev. The "Karavayevo" state farm and its people. 1955 (-)
126. V.P. Fyodorov. The accumulation of capital and the impoverishment of the proletariat. 1956 (-)
127. Tables to calculate taxes on bachelors, single persons and small-sized families. 1955 (-)
128. S. Dmitriev. The economic geography of the USSR. 1925 (?)
129. The Stalingrad tractor factory. 1930 (-)
130. N.P. Glebov-Avilov. The agricultural machinery factory. 1930 (-)
131. M. Tugan-Baranovskii. Russian factory in the past and present. 1922 (+)
132. G. Kremnev. Mane stages of Russian cooperative laws development. 1924 (?)
133. The prerspectives of the industry's development for 1925/26 - 1929/30. Issue 5. The financial perspectives of industrial development. 1927 (+)
134. National and state-owned economy of the USSR in 1922-23. 1923 (+)
135. The Supreme Concil of the National Economy. Russian industries in 1923. A report (+)
136. The Koriukov bakery. 1957 (-)
137. I. Bogoridov, M. Gnatiuk, S. Karpaniuk. Copperators from Gaisy (Gaisinskie cooperatory). 1956 (-)
138. L.M. Sabsovich. The USSR in 15 years. 1929 (? - notes by Brusewitz)
139. I. Lapidus, K. Ostrovityanov. Political economy in connection with the theory of Soviet economy. 1929 (-)


Skapad2019-10-23 11:54:07
Senast ändrad2019-10-23 11:54:07