
Boksamling - låda 2

Per Emil Brusewitz


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ArkivinstitutionArbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek


Allmän anmärkningMaps, tourist guides, driving rules, exhibition and book catalogues etc.

1. A.S. Dobrov. Great Britain. A geographical essay (Velikobritania. Geographichesky ocherk).
2. Tbilisi. A street map.
3. The map of Moscow. 1929
4. The Sukhumi Botanical Garden. A booklet.
5. Moscow theatres. A guide to performances. 6-12 January 1960
6. Driving rules in Moscow. 1956
7. Catalogue of books on social problems. Issue 1. Moscow 1925
8. Catalogue of the Tretyakov Art Gallery. 1917
9. Catalogue of the Exhibition on peaceful usage of atomic energy. 1956.
10. Yasnaya Polyana. Leo Tolstoi's house. 1956
12. Yasnaya Polyana. The premises. 1956.
13. The Caucasus Mineral Waters Spas. A guide. 1924
14. The Kuban' region, the Black Sea coast, Abkhasia. A guide to resorts. 1924
15. Telephone directory for the hotels in the Sochi resort town. 1965
16. The exhibition of new construction equipment, Moscow 1959. The general layout of the "Svobodny" state farm in the Akmola region, Kaxakhstan.
17. Exhibition of new construction equipment. Moscow 1959. Approximate schemes for planning an inter-collective farm cattle pasturing centre.
18. The plan of the agricultural build-up area "Zalia Zeme" in Latvia.
19. Standard designs of chicken farms (agricultural exhibition-?) Moscow 1959.
20. Exhibition "New elements in agricultural construction". Moscow 1959. An experimental broiler farm.
21. Exhibition "new elements in agricultural construction" . A turkey farm.
22. Exhibition "New elements in agricultural construction". The plan of the "Gorodskoi" state farm in the Ryazan region.
23. Draft plan of the Khomutovka villiage, Kursk region. 1959
24. The countries of America. Geographical references. 1959 (-)
25. The Supreme Council of the National Economy. The exhibition for the III Congress of Soviets. A guide. 1925.
26. The USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements. A guide. 1959
27. I. Seryakov. The laws of streets and roads (on driving rules). 1960
28. B. Beknazar-yuzbashev. The land of the blue and white Nile. Essays about the Rupublic of Sudan. 1956 (-)
29. The yesterday and today of our city (about the city of Tula). 1957. A handwritten note "To P.E. Brusewtz. I wish the Swedish cities and your country as a whole to develop and become more beautiful as fast as iot happened to our Tula after the October Revolution. 17.11.1957". (?)
30. I.Z. Teplitskii, N.D. Tsagaiev. Sights of North Ossetian material culture. 1963
31. Moscow. A short reference book for visitors. 1956
32. A guide to the Volga, Kama, Oka and Don rivers. 1956 (?)
33. A catalogue of "Oleg Dyakov and Co" bookshop in Berlin. 1923.
34. All about the Culture and Recreation Park (Moscow). A reference book for the summer season of 1930.
35. Crimean resorts. A reference book. 1924
36. The Nizhny Novgorod Fair. A reference book and guide. 1923
37. The All-Union Industrial Exhibition. A guide. 1957
38. The catalogue of the "Ekonomicheskaya zhizn (Economic life)" newspaper's bookshop. 1925
39. A guide to the first agricultural and artisan industry exhibition. Book 2. 1923
40. All-Union agricultural exhibition of 1955. The Rovny egg depot.
41. Leningrad. A short reference book. 1957


Skapad2019-10-23 11:54:07
Senast ändrad2019-10-23 11:54:07