
Böcker på ryska

Andreas Kelen


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Allmän anmärkningBooks, articles, speeches by Soviet leaders, works by Marx and Engels

1. I.V. Stalin. Collected works. Vol. 1-13, 1946-51 (+)
2. V.I. Lenin. Collected works, Vol. 1-2, 1943 (?)
3. V.I. Lenin. Materialism and empiriocriticism. 1936 (?)
4. K. Marx, F. Engels. Selected works (in Russian). Vol. 1, 1948 (-)
5. V.I. Lenin. Philosophic notebooks (Filosofskiie tetradi). 1936 (according to a note on the book, it was probably presented by Egede-Nissen -?) (?)
6. V.I. Lenin. mperialism as the highest stage of capitalism. 1945 (?)
7. Lenin's works collection (Leninskii sbornik), vol. XXVI. 1945 (? : a volume from a series of publications including Lenin's previously unpublished works and documents)
8. N. Bulganin. A speech at the XIX CPSU Congress. 1952 (+)
9. A.A. Zhdanov. A speech at the election meeting of voters of the Volodarskii electoral district in the city of Leningrad. 1946 (+)
10. A.A. Zhdanov. On the international situation. 1947 (His famous "two camps" speech at the first Cominform Congress in Sklaska Poremba (Poland)) (+)
11. G. Malenkov. A report to the XIX CPSU Congress on the work of the CPSU Central Committee. 1952 (+)
12. I.V. Stalin. On the youth's tasks. 1944 (-)
13. F. Engels. Anti-During. 1934 (? -also presented by Egede Nissen)
14. M.I. Kalinin. On communist education. Collection of works. 1945 (+)
15. I.V. Stalin. Questions of Leninism. 1945 (+)
16. D.T. Shepilov. A speech at the XX CPSU Congress. 1956 (+)
17. Lenin. Collected works. Fourth edition. Vol. 3 (-)


Skapad2019-10-23 11:54:53
Senast ändrad2019-10-23 11:54:53