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Showing record 1-50 of 3458
1. Volym
General note: ÖXNÄS BRUK Del 1. Kronologisk förteckningsbilaga 1...
Date: 1726 – 1861
Part of: Bergmästaren i Västra distriktet, Filipstad
Record creator / Origination: Rämmen-Liljendals bruk (1764 – 1931) Record creator / Origination: Kvarntorps bruk (1628 – 1924) Record creator / Origination: Kungsskogshyttan (1678) Record creator / Origination: Löfstaholms bruk (1750 – 1900 (ca)) Record creator / Origination: Hillringsbergs bruk (1692 – 1970) Record creator / Origination: Bada bruk (1649 – 1913) Record creator / Origination: Schéele, Frans Adolf von (1795-10-21 – 1863-07-20) Record creator / Origination: Lennartsfors bruk (1832) Record creator / Origination: Högfors bruk (Gräsmarks socken) (1740 ca – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Lesjöfors AB (1675) Record creator / Origination: Storfors bruk (1587) Record creator / Origination: Yngshyttan (1540 (före)) Record creator / Origination: Torskebäckshyttan (1540 (före) – 1907) Record creator / Origination: Sandsjöhyttan (1649 – 1689) Record creator / Origination: Holmgruvorna (1819 – 1859) Record creator / Origination: Dömle bruk (1628 – 1884) Record creator / Origination: Kväggeshyttan (1655 – 1899) Record creator / Origination: Böckelshammaren (1642 – 1883) Record creator / Origination: Bergmästaren i Västra distriktet (Filipstad) (1637 – 1937) Record creator / Origination: Kärnshyttan (1856) Record creator / Origination: Svaneholms bruk (1694) Record creator / Origination: Bäckhammars Bruk AB (Visnum) (1682) Record creator / Origination: Koppoms bruk (1831 – 1968) Record creator / Origination: Persbergs gruvor (1413 – 1980) Record creator / Origination: Ransätersbruken (1646) Record creator / Origination: Getögruvan (1740 – 1918) Record creator / Origination: Finshyttans bruk (1540 (före)) Record creator / Origination: Kammargruvan Record creator / Origination: Pumpgruvan (1821 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Torsby bruk (1693 – 1929) Record creator / Origination: Bjurbäckens bruk (1602 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Sölje bruk (1798 – 1903) Record creator / Origination: Filipstads östra bergslags gruvfondskassa Record creator / Origination: Asphyttans bruk (1545 – 1845) Record creator / Origination: Östanås bruk (1642 – 1893) Record creator / Origination: Myrmansfors (1808 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Geijersholms bruk (1731 – 1889) Record creator / Origination: Sunnemohyttan (1640 – 1887) Record creator / Origination: Forshyttan (1642 – 1846) Record creator / Origination: Gåsbornshyttan (1584 – 1866) Record creator / Origination: Sälboda bruk (1763 – 1940) Record creator / Origination: Stöpsjöhyttan (1601 – 1882) Record creator / Origination: Mögsjöhyttan (1638 – 1873) Record creator / Origination: Åsjöhyttan (1638) Record creator / Origination: Stöpafors bruk (1747) Record creator / Origination: Grundsjö- och Brattfors gruvor (1810) Record creator / Origination: Glumseruds bruk (1644 – 1873) Record creator / Origination: Kohlsäters AB (1694) Record creator / Origination: Björneborgs bruk (1656) Record creator / Origination: Stjälphyttan (1664 – 1854) Record creator / Origination: Haggruvan (1686 (före) – 1890-talet) Record creator / Origination: Herrhultshyttan (1566 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Svartsångshyttan (1624 – 1861) Record creator / Origination: Ribbingsfors bruk (1827 – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Vassgårda bruk (1658 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Mölnbacka bruk (1628 – 1931) Record creator / Origination: Munkfors bruk (1670) Record creator / Origination: Femtå bruk (1837 – 1862/65 (bruket)) Record creator / Origination: Gustavsdals bruk (1849 – 1860-talet ?) Record creator / Origination: Haborshyttan (1540 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Örlingshyttan (1629 – 1748) Record creator / Origination: Borgviks bruk (1600? – 1953) Record creator / Origination: Emilsdals bruk (1842 – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Pardixhyttan (1629 – 1873) Record creator / Origination: Lovisebergs bruk (1752 – 1886) Record creator / Origination: Lerafors bruk (1724 – 1794) Record creator / Origination: Molkoms bruk (1629) Record creator / Origination: Jonsbols bruk (1684 – 1886) Record creator / Origination: Ackkärrs bruk (1620 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Helgebodafors bruk (1796 – 1880) Record creator / Origination: AB Mölnbacka-Trysil (1873-12-21 – 1967) Record creator / Origination: Nyängsgruvan (1807 – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Gustavsfors bruk (1746 – 1908) Record creator / Origination: Bolhyttan (1540 (före) – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Håkansbols bruk (1679 – 1889) Record creator / Origination: Björkefors bruk (1695 – 1854) Record creator / Origination: Noreborgs bruk (1751 – 1926) Record creator / Origination: Långbans gruvor (1548 – 1972) Record creator / Origination: Rottneros bruk (1630) Record creator / Origination: Edsvalla bruk (1644 – 1967) Record creator / Origination: Mossgruvorna (1600-tal – 1890 ca) Record creator / Origination: Bornshyttan ( – 1820) Record creator / Origination: Andersfors bruk (1858 – 1887) Record creator / Origination: Välsforsens bruk (1786 – 1823) Record creator / Origination: Fredros bruk (1736 – 1869) Record creator / Origination: Lundsbergs bruk (1630 – 1911) Record creator / Origination: Bofors bruk (1636) Record creator / Origination: Näsrämshyttan (1649) Record creator / Origination: Högbergsfältet (1672 – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Antonströms bruk (1760 – 1865) Record creator / Origination: Åskagshyttan (1575 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Långbansändehyttan (1638 – 1812) Record creator / Origination: Halgå bruk (1834 – 1884) Record creator / Origination: Granbergsdals bruk (1644 – 1925) Record creator / Origination: Torskbäckens anrikningsverk ( – 1920) Record creator / Origination: Charlottenbergs bruk (1827) Record creator / Origination: Stömne bruk (1693) Record creator / Origination: Rexeds bruk (1763 – 1882) Record creator / Origination: Gustavsgruvorna (1800 – 1923) Record creator / Origination: Råglanda bruk (1630 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Alkvetterns bruk (1666) Record creator / Origination: Adolfsfors bruk (1744 – 1980?) Record creator / Origination: Hennickehammars bruk (1606) Record creator / Origination: Grundsjöhyttan (1624 – 1804) Record creator / Origination: Föskefors bruk (1755 – 1884) Record creator / Origination: Nygruvan (Persberg) Record creator / Origination: Ulleshyttan (1810 – 1859) Record creator / Origination: Älvbro bruk (1611 – 1862) Record creator / Origination: Årås bruk (1685 – 1875) Record creator / Origination: Svartå bruk (1687 – 1893) Record creator / Origination: Flintkärrsgruvan (1837 – 1847) Record creator / Origination: Brattfors bruk (1540 (före) – 1920) Record creator / Origination: Fogdhyttan (1350 (före) – 1842) Record creator / Origination: Våggruvan (1884) Record creator / Origination: Forsnäs bruk (1628) Record creator / Origination: Hornkullens Silvergruvor (1551 – 1850) Record creator / Origination: Likanå bruk (1837 – 1862) Record creator / Origination: Herrhultsgruvorna (1714 – 1830) Record creator / Origination: Konradsfors bruk (1838 – 1867) Record creator / Origination: Letafors bruk (1729 – 1871) Record creator / Origination: Ormbergsgruvorna (1708 (före)) Record creator / Origination: Kalkkullsgruvan (1819 – 1840?) Record creator / Origination: Kommissionsgruvorna (1776 – 1892) Record creator / Origination: Lahälls silververk och gruvor (1615) Record creator / Origination: Brandåsgruvan (1821 (före) – 1850?) Record creator / Origination: Filipstads västra bergslags gruvfondskassa Record creator / Origination: Lyrstahammars bruk Record creator / Origination: Didriksfors bruk (1814 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Föskeds bruk (1649 – 1850) Record creator / Origination: Segerfors bruk (1839 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Gunneruds bruk (1645 – 1862) Record creator / Origination: Nyhyttan (1540) Record creator / Origination: Nykroppa bruk (1570-tal – 1972) Record creator / Origination: Dammhyttan (1600 – 1791) Record creator / Origination: Vegerbols silvergruvor (1800 (ca) – 1909) Record creator / Origination: Uddeholms AB (1668) Record creator / Origination: Spjutbäckens hammar (Varnums socken) (1630 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Filipstads norra bergslags gruvfondskassa Record creator / Origination: Snarkils bruk (1721 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Änggruvorna (1658 – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Niklasdamms bruk (1666) Record creator / Origination: Storbrohyttan (1591) Record creator / Origination: Finnmossens gruvor ( – 1973) Record creator / Origination: Oleby bruk (1890) Record creator / Origination: Tabergs gruvor (1702 – 1962) Record creator / Origination: Lyreds bruk (1838 – 1879) Record creator / Origination: Näshammars bruk (1639 – 1856) Record creator / Origination: Hedenskogshyttan (1642 – 1880) Record creator / Origination: Älgå bruk (1686) Record creator / Origination: Treskogs bruk (1680 – 1869) Record creator / Origination: Gustafsströms bruk (1749 – 1897) Record creator / Origination: Gammelkroppa bruk (1540 (före) – 1904) Record creator / Origination: Hektorshyttan (1600 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Motjärnshyttan (1649 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Mitandersfors bruk (1832 – 1874) Record creator / Origination: Annefors bruk (Sunne) (1798) Record creator / Origination: Agegruve Bolag (1694 (före) – 1894) Record creator / Origination: Uvanå bruk (1831 – 1874) Record creator / Origination: Glava skifferbrott (1700-tal) Record creator / Origination: Kristinefors bruk (1803) Record creator / Origination: Brunsbergsverken (Värmland) Record creator / Origination: Gårdsjö bruk (1694 – 1875) Record creator / Origination: Lindfors bruk (1628 – 1883) Record creator / Origination: Lenungshammars bruk (1823) Record creator / Origination: Björkborns bruk (1639 – 1900) Record creator / Origination: Bosjö bruk (1611) Record creator / Origination: Norums bruk (1629 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Vägsjöfors bruk (1743 – 1893) Record creator / Origination: Horrsjöhyttan (1580 – 1847) Record creator / Origination: Nordmarks gruvor (1413 – 1962) Record creator / Origination: Skåltjärnshyttan (1638 – 1860) Record creator / Origination: Skillingsfors bruk (1793 – 1885) Record creator / Origination: Karlsfors bruk (1748 – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Lövstafors bruk (1839 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Skarphyttan (1638) Record creator / Origination: Västra Skogsbacksgruvan (1816 – 1886) Record creator / Origination: Stjernsfors bruk (1669 – 1918) Record creator / Origination: Åminnefors bruk (1630 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Saxå bruk (1540 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Kalhyttan (1566 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Dalkarlsjöhyttan (1642 – 1859) Record creator / Origination: Älvsjöhyttan (1768 – 1896) Record creator / Origination: Töcksfors bruk (1797)

Kept by: Värmlandsarkiv, Region Värmland (depå: Arkivcentrum Värmland, Zakrisdal)

2. Volym
General note: Övrigt inkommet material: - Nothäften med svensk o...
Date: spridda år
Record creator / Origination: LÅNGASJÖ EMIGRANTCIRKELS ARKIV

Kept by: Svenska Emigrantinstitutet

3. Volym
General note: ÖVRIGA HANDSKRIFTER Mozart, W A Sonate pour le For...
Date: 1800-tal

Kept by: Nordiska Museet

4. Volym
General note: ÖVRIGA HANDSKRIFTER Anonym Nothäfte, ”Flauto Secun...
Date: 1800-tal, u.å.

Kept by: Nordiska Museet

5. Volym
General note: Övriga akter, fallet Hördahl, Vredens druvor m.fl.
Date: 1940 – 1945
Part of: Statens informationsstyrelse
Record creator / Origination: Statens informationsstyrelse (1940 – 1945) Record creator / Origination: Tremannanämnden (1939 – 1940) Record creator / Origination: Statens informationsbyrå (1939 – 1940) Record creator / Origination: Pressrådet (1939 – 1941) Record creator / Origination: Reklamrådet ( – 1945) Record creator / Origination: Filmrådet ( – 1945)

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Marieberg)

6. Volym
Title: Övers. och utdrag ur Simon Igumnovs arbete om Ryss...
Part of: Manuskriptsamlingen
Record creator / Origination: [Proveniens ej registrerad]

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Marieberg)
Digitaliserat material finns

7. Volym
General note: Östgöta nation 1903-1933, 1935-1966. Västgöta nati...
Date: 1903 – 1966
Part of: August Abrahamsons stiftelses arkiv - GLA/B0232
Record creator / Origination: August Abrahamssons stiftelse (1872)

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Göteborg (depå: Arkivgatan, Polstjärnegatan)

8. Volym
General note: Ättar-Tahl öfwer then Carlbergiske och Kolthowiske...
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

9. Volym
General note: Ättar- Tahl öfver Romanniske eller så kallade Wiks...
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

10. Volym
General note: Ärkebisk. Laur. Petri allvarsamma bref till kon. E...
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

11. Volym
General note: Ämnesordnade handlingar rörande organisationen, A-...
Record creator / Origination: GÖTEBORGS KOMMUN. JUBILEUMSUTSTÄLLNINGEN 1923 (1916 – 1923)

Kept by: Regionarkivet för Västra Götalandsregionen och Göteborgs stad

12. Volym
General note: Ämbetsarkiv: Katalog över B Tingbergs boksamling 1...
Date: 1784 – 1883
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

13. Volym
General note: Ämbetsarkiv: Förteckning över köpta och skänkta bö...
Date: 1646 – 1960
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

14. Volym
General note: Ämbetsarkiv: Cassabok 1793-1838. Verifikationer 18...
Date: 1793 – 1969
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

15. Volym
General note: Ämbetsarkiv: Accessionskatalog 1822-1872.
Date: 1822 – 1872
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

16. Volym
General note: Ägir - Ärtan + Å.f.s. V.k.h. Häri även personakter...
Date: 1947 – 1991
Part of: Falköpings stadsförsamlings arkiv
Record creator / Origination: Falköpings stadsförsamling

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Göteborg (depå: Arkivgatan, Polstjärnegatan)

17. Volym
General note: Åtskilliga uppsatser i ingeniörsvetenskap af C. By...
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

18. Volym
General note: Åtskilliga skrifvelser rör. Karlstads skola och gy...
Date: – 1820
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

19. Volym
General note: Åtskilliga afskrifter ur kyrkolagen. 4:o.
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

20. Volym
General note: Åtkomsthandlingar och andra legala handlingar röra...
Date: 1830 – 1967
Part of: August Abrahamsons stiftelses arkiv - GLA/B0232
Record creator / Origination: August Abrahamssons stiftelse (1872)

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Göteborg (depå: Arkivgatan, Polstjärnegatan)

21. Volym
General note: ÅRÅS OCH RIBBINGSFORS BRUK ÅRÅS BRUK Kronologisk ...
Date: 1685 – 1861
Part of: Bergmästaren i Västra distriktet, Filipstad
Record creator / Origination: Rämmen-Liljendals bruk (1764 – 1931) Record creator / Origination: Kvarntorps bruk (1628 – 1924) Record creator / Origination: Kungsskogshyttan (1678) Record creator / Origination: Löfstaholms bruk (1750 – 1900 (ca)) Record creator / Origination: Hillringsbergs bruk (1692 – 1970) Record creator / Origination: Bada bruk (1649 – 1913) Record creator / Origination: Schéele, Frans Adolf von (1795-10-21 – 1863-07-20) Record creator / Origination: Lennartsfors bruk (1832) Record creator / Origination: Högfors bruk (Gräsmarks socken) (1740 ca – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Lesjöfors AB (1675) Record creator / Origination: Storfors bruk (1587) Record creator / Origination: Yngshyttan (1540 (före)) Record creator / Origination: Torskebäckshyttan (1540 (före) – 1907) Record creator / Origination: Sandsjöhyttan (1649 – 1689) Record creator / Origination: Holmgruvorna (1819 – 1859) Record creator / Origination: Dömle bruk (1628 – 1884) Record creator / Origination: Kväggeshyttan (1655 – 1899) Record creator / Origination: Böckelshammaren (1642 – 1883) Record creator / Origination: Bergmästaren i Västra distriktet (Filipstad) (1637 – 1937) Record creator / Origination: Kärnshyttan (1856) Record creator / Origination: Svaneholms bruk (1694) Record creator / Origination: Bäckhammars Bruk AB (Visnum) (1682) Record creator / Origination: Koppoms bruk (1831 – 1968) Record creator / Origination: Persbergs gruvor (1413 – 1980) Record creator / Origination: Ransätersbruken (1646) Record creator / Origination: Getögruvan (1740 – 1918) Record creator / Origination: Finshyttans bruk (1540 (före)) Record creator / Origination: Kammargruvan Record creator / Origination: Pumpgruvan (1821 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Torsby bruk (1693 – 1929) Record creator / Origination: Bjurbäckens bruk (1602 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Sölje bruk (1798 – 1903) Record creator / Origination: Filipstads östra bergslags gruvfondskassa Record creator / Origination: Asphyttans bruk (1545 – 1845) Record creator / Origination: Östanås bruk (1642 – 1893) Record creator / Origination: Myrmansfors (1808 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Geijersholms bruk (1731 – 1889) Record creator / Origination: Sunnemohyttan (1640 – 1887) Record creator / Origination: Forshyttan (1642 – 1846) Record creator / Origination: Gåsbornshyttan (1584 – 1866) Record creator / Origination: Sälboda bruk (1763 – 1940) Record creator / Origination: Stöpsjöhyttan (1601 – 1882) Record creator / Origination: Mögsjöhyttan (1638 – 1873) Record creator / Origination: Åsjöhyttan (1638) Record creator / Origination: Stöpafors bruk (1747) Record creator / Origination: Grundsjö- och Brattfors gruvor (1810) Record creator / Origination: Glumseruds bruk (1644 – 1873) Record creator / Origination: Kohlsäters AB (1694) Record creator / Origination: Björneborgs bruk (1656) Record creator / Origination: Stjälphyttan (1664 – 1854) Record creator / Origination: Haggruvan (1686 (före) – 1890-talet) Record creator / Origination: Herrhultshyttan (1566 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Svartsångshyttan (1624 – 1861) Record creator / Origination: Ribbingsfors bruk (1827 – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Vassgårda bruk (1658 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Mölnbacka bruk (1628 – 1931) Record creator / Origination: Munkfors bruk (1670) Record creator / Origination: Femtå bruk (1837 – 1862/65 (bruket)) Record creator / Origination: Gustavsdals bruk (1849 – 1860-talet ?) Record creator / Origination: Haborshyttan (1540 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Örlingshyttan (1629 – 1748) Record creator / Origination: Borgviks bruk (1600? – 1953) Record creator / Origination: Emilsdals bruk (1842 – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Pardixhyttan (1629 – 1873) Record creator / Origination: Lovisebergs bruk (1752 – 1886) Record creator / Origination: Lerafors bruk (1724 – 1794) Record creator / Origination: Molkoms bruk (1629) Record creator / Origination: Jonsbols bruk (1684 – 1886) Record creator / Origination: Ackkärrs bruk (1620 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Helgebodafors bruk (1796 – 1880) Record creator / Origination: AB Mölnbacka-Trysil (1873-12-21 – 1967) Record creator / Origination: Nyängsgruvan (1807 – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Gustavsfors bruk (1746 – 1908) Record creator / Origination: Bolhyttan (1540 (före) – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Håkansbols bruk (1679 – 1889) Record creator / Origination: Björkefors bruk (1695 – 1854) Record creator / Origination: Noreborgs bruk (1751 – 1926) Record creator / Origination: Långbans gruvor (1548 – 1972) Record creator / Origination: Rottneros bruk (1630) Record creator / Origination: Edsvalla bruk (1644 – 1967) Record creator / Origination: Mossgruvorna (1600-tal – 1890 ca) Record creator / Origination: Bornshyttan ( – 1820) Record creator / Origination: Andersfors bruk (1858 – 1887) Record creator / Origination: Välsforsens bruk (1786 – 1823) Record creator / Origination: Fredros bruk (1736 – 1869) Record creator / Origination: Lundsbergs bruk (1630 – 1911) Record creator / Origination: Bofors bruk (1636) Record creator / Origination: Näsrämshyttan (1649) Record creator / Origination: Högbergsfältet (1672 – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Antonströms bruk (1760 – 1865) Record creator / Origination: Åskagshyttan (1575 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Långbansändehyttan (1638 – 1812) Record creator / Origination: Halgå bruk (1834 – 1884) Record creator / Origination: Granbergsdals bruk (1644 – 1925) Record creator / Origination: Torskbäckens anrikningsverk ( – 1920) Record creator / Origination: Charlottenbergs bruk (1827) Record creator / Origination: Stömne bruk (1693) Record creator / Origination: Rexeds bruk (1763 – 1882) Record creator / Origination: Gustavsgruvorna (1800 – 1923) Record creator / Origination: Råglanda bruk (1630 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Alkvetterns bruk (1666) Record creator / Origination: Adolfsfors bruk (1744 – 1980?) Record creator / Origination: Hennickehammars bruk (1606) Record creator / Origination: Grundsjöhyttan (1624 – 1804) Record creator / Origination: Föskefors bruk (1755 – 1884) Record creator / Origination: Nygruvan (Persberg) Record creator / Origination: Ulleshyttan (1810 – 1859) Record creator / Origination: Älvbro bruk (1611 – 1862) Record creator / Origination: Årås bruk (1685 – 1875) Record creator / Origination: Svartå bruk (1687 – 1893) Record creator / Origination: Flintkärrsgruvan (1837 – 1847) Record creator / Origination: Brattfors bruk (1540 (före) – 1920) Record creator / Origination: Fogdhyttan (1350 (före) – 1842) Record creator / Origination: Våggruvan (1884) Record creator / Origination: Forsnäs bruk (1628) Record creator / Origination: Hornkullens Silvergruvor (1551 – 1850) Record creator / Origination: Likanå bruk (1837 – 1862) Record creator / Origination: Herrhultsgruvorna (1714 – 1830) Record creator / Origination: Konradsfors bruk (1838 – 1867) Record creator / Origination: Letafors bruk (1729 – 1871) Record creator / Origination: Ormbergsgruvorna (1708 (före)) Record creator / Origination: Kalkkullsgruvan (1819 – 1840?) Record creator / Origination: Kommissionsgruvorna (1776 – 1892) Record creator / Origination: Lahälls silververk och gruvor (1615) Record creator / Origination: Brandåsgruvan (1821 (före) – 1850?) Record creator / Origination: Filipstads västra bergslags gruvfondskassa Record creator / Origination: Lyrstahammars bruk Record creator / Origination: Didriksfors bruk (1814 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Föskeds bruk (1649 – 1850) Record creator / Origination: Segerfors bruk (1839 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Gunneruds bruk (1645 – 1862) Record creator / Origination: Nyhyttan (1540) Record creator / Origination: Nykroppa bruk (1570-tal – 1972) Record creator / Origination: Dammhyttan (1600 – 1791) Record creator / Origination: Vegerbols silvergruvor (1800 (ca) – 1909) Record creator / Origination: Uddeholms AB (1668) Record creator / Origination: Spjutbäckens hammar (Varnums socken) (1630 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Filipstads norra bergslags gruvfondskassa Record creator / Origination: Snarkils bruk (1721 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Änggruvorna (1658 – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Niklasdamms bruk (1666) Record creator / Origination: Storbrohyttan (1591) Record creator / Origination: Finnmossens gruvor ( – 1973) Record creator / Origination: Oleby bruk (1890) Record creator / Origination: Tabergs gruvor (1702 – 1962) Record creator / Origination: Lyreds bruk (1838 – 1879) Record creator / Origination: Näshammars bruk (1639 – 1856) Record creator / Origination: Hedenskogshyttan (1642 – 1880) Record creator / Origination: Älgå bruk (1686) Record creator / Origination: Treskogs bruk (1680 – 1869) Record creator / Origination: Gustafsströms bruk (1749 – 1897) Record creator / Origination: Gammelkroppa bruk (1540 (före) – 1904) Record creator / Origination: Hektorshyttan (1600 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Motjärnshyttan (1649 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Mitandersfors bruk (1832 – 1874) Record creator / Origination: Annefors bruk (Sunne) (1798) Record creator / Origination: Agegruve Bolag (1694 (före) – 1894) Record creator / Origination: Uvanå bruk (1831 – 1874) Record creator / Origination: Glava skifferbrott (1700-tal) Record creator / Origination: Kristinefors bruk (1803) Record creator / Origination: Brunsbergsverken (Värmland) Record creator / Origination: Gårdsjö bruk (1694 – 1875) Record creator / Origination: Lindfors bruk (1628 – 1883) Record creator / Origination: Lenungshammars bruk (1823) Record creator / Origination: Björkborns bruk (1639 – 1900) Record creator / Origination: Bosjö bruk (1611) Record creator / Origination: Norums bruk (1629 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Vägsjöfors bruk (1743 – 1893) Record creator / Origination: Horrsjöhyttan (1580 – 1847) Record creator / Origination: Nordmarks gruvor (1413 – 1962) Record creator / Origination: Skåltjärnshyttan (1638 – 1860) Record creator / Origination: Skillingsfors bruk (1793 – 1885) Record creator / Origination: Karlsfors bruk (1748 – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Lövstafors bruk (1839 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Skarphyttan (1638) Record creator / Origination: Västra Skogsbacksgruvan (1816 – 1886) Record creator / Origination: Stjernsfors bruk (1669 – 1918) Record creator / Origination: Åminnefors bruk (1630 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Saxå bruk (1540 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Kalhyttan (1566 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Dalkarlsjöhyttan (1642 – 1859) Record creator / Origination: Älvsjöhyttan (1768 – 1896) Record creator / Origination: Töcksfors bruk (1797)

Kept by: Värmlandsarkiv, Region Värmland (depå: Arkivcentrum Värmland, Zakrisdal)

22. Volym
General note: Årsberättelser m.m. för följande föreningar och bo...
Date: 1871 – 1897
Part of: August Abrahamsons stiftelses arkiv - GLA/B0232
Record creator / Origination: August Abrahamssons stiftelse (1872)

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Göteborg (depå: Arkivgatan, Polstjärnegatan)

23. Volym
General note: Årsberättelse 1869 för Älvsborgs läns norra hushål...
Date: 1869 – 1897
Part of: August Abrahamsons stiftelses arkiv - GLA/B0232
Record creator / Origination: August Abrahamssons stiftelse (1872)

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Göteborg (depå: Arkivgatan, Polstjärnegatan)

24. Volym
General note: År Innehåll 1790 Samling af Char...
Date: 1790 – 1856

Kept by: Nordiska Museet

25. Volym
General note: Åminnelsedikt över Karl XII nov. 1732. 1 mapp fol.
Date: 1732
Part of: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling
Record creator / Origination: Karlstads Stifts- och Läroverksbiblioteks Handskriftssamling

Kept by: Föreningsarkivet i Värmland

26. Volym
General note: Z-Ö Zachrisson, Zach. Handskrift 1670 Zander, Jona...

Kept by: Nordiska Museet

27. Volym
General note: Zachow, se även Flottan Zachrisson, se även Flotta...
Part of: Riksarkivets ämnessamlingar. Militaria
Record creator / Origination: [Proveniens ej registrerad]

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Marieberg)

28. Volym
General note: Yngeredsfors Kraft AB Anläggningsnr. 335 Anläggnin...
Date: 1983 – 1991
Part of: Statens Energiverk (STEV)
Record creator / Origination: Statens Energiverk

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge, Marieberg)

29. Volym
General note: W - Ö. 1953/54.
Date: 1953 – 1954
Part of: Medicinska forskningsrådet (Statens Medicinska forskningsråd)
Record creator / Origination: Medicinska forskningsrådet

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge, Riksarkivets digitala arkiv)

30. Volym
General note: W-Ö.
Date: 1995 – 1996
Part of: Arbetslivsinstitutet
Record creator / Origination: Arbetslivsinstitutet

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge, Marieberg, Riksarkivets digitala arkiv)

31. Volym
General note: W - Ö
Date: 1994 – 1999
Part of: Statens Institutionsstyrelse SiS
Record creator / Origination: Statens institutionsstyrelse SiS

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge)

32. Volym
General note: W - Ö
Date: 1994 – 1997
Part of: Statens Institutionsstyrelse SiS
Record creator / Origination: Statens institutionsstyrelse SiS

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge)

33. Volym
General note: W-Ö
Date: 1992
Part of: Finansinspektionens arkiv
Record creator / Origination: Finansinspektionen (1991 – 1995)

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge, Marieberg, Riksarkivets digitala arkiv)

34. Volym
General note: W-Ö
Date: 1991 – 1995
Part of: Finansinspektionens arkiv
Record creator / Origination: Finansinspektionen (1991 – 1995)

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge, Marieberg, Riksarkivets digitala arkiv)

35. Volym
General note: WÄGSJÖFORS BRUK Del 1. Kronologisk förteckningsbil...
Date: 1726 – 1861
Part of: Bergmästaren i Västra distriktet, Filipstad
Record creator / Origination: Rämmen-Liljendals bruk (1764 – 1931) Record creator / Origination: Kvarntorps bruk (1628 – 1924) Record creator / Origination: Kungsskogshyttan (1678) Record creator / Origination: Löfstaholms bruk (1750 – 1900 (ca)) Record creator / Origination: Hillringsbergs bruk (1692 – 1970) Record creator / Origination: Bada bruk (1649 – 1913) Record creator / Origination: Schéele, Frans Adolf von (1795-10-21 – 1863-07-20) Record creator / Origination: Lennartsfors bruk (1832) Record creator / Origination: Högfors bruk (Gräsmarks socken) (1740 ca – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Lesjöfors AB (1675) Record creator / Origination: Storfors bruk (1587) Record creator / Origination: Yngshyttan (1540 (före)) Record creator / Origination: Torskebäckshyttan (1540 (före) – 1907) Record creator / Origination: Sandsjöhyttan (1649 – 1689) Record creator / Origination: Holmgruvorna (1819 – 1859) Record creator / Origination: Dömle bruk (1628 – 1884) Record creator / Origination: Kväggeshyttan (1655 – 1899) Record creator / Origination: Böckelshammaren (1642 – 1883) Record creator / Origination: Bergmästaren i Västra distriktet (Filipstad) (1637 – 1937) Record creator / Origination: Kärnshyttan (1856) Record creator / Origination: Svaneholms bruk (1694) Record creator / Origination: Bäckhammars Bruk AB (Visnum) (1682) Record creator / Origination: Koppoms bruk (1831 – 1968) Record creator / Origination: Persbergs gruvor (1413 – 1980) Record creator / Origination: Ransätersbruken (1646) Record creator / Origination: Getögruvan (1740 – 1918) Record creator / Origination: Finshyttans bruk (1540 (före)) Record creator / Origination: Kammargruvan Record creator / Origination: Pumpgruvan (1821 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Torsby bruk (1693 – 1929) Record creator / Origination: Bjurbäckens bruk (1602 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Sölje bruk (1798 – 1903) Record creator / Origination: Filipstads östra bergslags gruvfondskassa Record creator / Origination: Asphyttans bruk (1545 – 1845) Record creator / Origination: Östanås bruk (1642 – 1893) Record creator / Origination: Myrmansfors (1808 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Geijersholms bruk (1731 – 1889) Record creator / Origination: Sunnemohyttan (1640 – 1887) Record creator / Origination: Forshyttan (1642 – 1846) Record creator / Origination: Gåsbornshyttan (1584 – 1866) Record creator / Origination: Sälboda bruk (1763 – 1940) Record creator / Origination: Stöpsjöhyttan (1601 – 1882) Record creator / Origination: Mögsjöhyttan (1638 – 1873) Record creator / Origination: Åsjöhyttan (1638) Record creator / Origination: Stöpafors bruk (1747) Record creator / Origination: Grundsjö- och Brattfors gruvor (1810) Record creator / Origination: Glumseruds bruk (1644 – 1873) Record creator / Origination: Kohlsäters AB (1694) Record creator / Origination: Björneborgs bruk (1656) Record creator / Origination: Stjälphyttan (1664 – 1854) Record creator / Origination: Haggruvan (1686 (före) – 1890-talet) Record creator / Origination: Herrhultshyttan (1566 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Svartsångshyttan (1624 – 1861) Record creator / Origination: Ribbingsfors bruk (1827 – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Vassgårda bruk (1658 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Mölnbacka bruk (1628 – 1931) Record creator / Origination: Munkfors bruk (1670) Record creator / Origination: Femtå bruk (1837 – 1862/65 (bruket)) Record creator / Origination: Gustavsdals bruk (1849 – 1860-talet ?) Record creator / Origination: Haborshyttan (1540 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Örlingshyttan (1629 – 1748) Record creator / Origination: Borgviks bruk (1600? – 1953) Record creator / Origination: Emilsdals bruk (1842 – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Pardixhyttan (1629 – 1873) Record creator / Origination: Lovisebergs bruk (1752 – 1886) Record creator / Origination: Lerafors bruk (1724 – 1794) Record creator / Origination: Molkoms bruk (1629) Record creator / Origination: Jonsbols bruk (1684 – 1886) Record creator / Origination: Ackkärrs bruk (1620 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Helgebodafors bruk (1796 – 1880) Record creator / Origination: AB Mölnbacka-Trysil (1873-12-21 – 1967) Record creator / Origination: Nyängsgruvan (1807 – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Gustavsfors bruk (1746 – 1908) Record creator / Origination: Bolhyttan (1540 (före) – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Håkansbols bruk (1679 – 1889) Record creator / Origination: Björkefors bruk (1695 – 1854) Record creator / Origination: Noreborgs bruk (1751 – 1926) Record creator / Origination: Långbans gruvor (1548 – 1972) Record creator / Origination: Rottneros bruk (1630) Record creator / Origination: Edsvalla bruk (1644 – 1967) Record creator / Origination: Mossgruvorna (1600-tal – 1890 ca) Record creator / Origination: Bornshyttan ( – 1820) Record creator / Origination: Andersfors bruk (1858 – 1887) Record creator / Origination: Välsforsens bruk (1786 – 1823) Record creator / Origination: Fredros bruk (1736 – 1869) Record creator / Origination: Lundsbergs bruk (1630 – 1911) Record creator / Origination: Bofors bruk (1636) Record creator / Origination: Näsrämshyttan (1649) Record creator / Origination: Högbergsfältet (1672 – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Antonströms bruk (1760 – 1865) Record creator / Origination: Åskagshyttan (1575 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Långbansändehyttan (1638 – 1812) Record creator / Origination: Halgå bruk (1834 – 1884) Record creator / Origination: Granbergsdals bruk (1644 – 1925) Record creator / Origination: Torskbäckens anrikningsverk ( – 1920) Record creator / Origination: Charlottenbergs bruk (1827) Record creator / Origination: Stömne bruk (1693) Record creator / Origination: Rexeds bruk (1763 – 1882) Record creator / Origination: Gustavsgruvorna (1800 – 1923) Record creator / Origination: Råglanda bruk (1630 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Alkvetterns bruk (1666) Record creator / Origination: Adolfsfors bruk (1744 – 1980?) Record creator / Origination: Hennickehammars bruk (1606) Record creator / Origination: Grundsjöhyttan (1624 – 1804) Record creator / Origination: Föskefors bruk (1755 – 1884) Record creator / Origination: Nygruvan (Persberg) Record creator / Origination: Ulleshyttan (1810 – 1859) Record creator / Origination: Älvbro bruk (1611 – 1862) Record creator / Origination: Årås bruk (1685 – 1875) Record creator / Origination: Svartå bruk (1687 – 1893) Record creator / Origination: Flintkärrsgruvan (1837 – 1847) Record creator / Origination: Brattfors bruk (1540 (före) – 1920) Record creator / Origination: Fogdhyttan (1350 (före) – 1842) Record creator / Origination: Våggruvan (1884) Record creator / Origination: Forsnäs bruk (1628) Record creator / Origination: Hornkullens Silvergruvor (1551 – 1850) Record creator / Origination: Likanå bruk (1837 – 1862) Record creator / Origination: Herrhultsgruvorna (1714 – 1830) Record creator / Origination: Konradsfors bruk (1838 – 1867) Record creator / Origination: Letafors bruk (1729 – 1871) Record creator / Origination: Ormbergsgruvorna (1708 (före)) Record creator / Origination: Kalkkullsgruvan (1819 – 1840?) Record creator / Origination: Kommissionsgruvorna (1776 – 1892) Record creator / Origination: Lahälls silververk och gruvor (1615) Record creator / Origination: Brandåsgruvan (1821 (före) – 1850?) Record creator / Origination: Filipstads västra bergslags gruvfondskassa Record creator / Origination: Lyrstahammars bruk Record creator / Origination: Didriksfors bruk (1814 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Föskeds bruk (1649 – 1850) Record creator / Origination: Segerfors bruk (1839 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Gunneruds bruk (1645 – 1862) Record creator / Origination: Nyhyttan (1540) Record creator / Origination: Nykroppa bruk (1570-tal – 1972) Record creator / Origination: Dammhyttan (1600 – 1791) Record creator / Origination: Vegerbols silvergruvor (1800 (ca) – 1909) Record creator / Origination: Uddeholms AB (1668) Record creator / Origination: Spjutbäckens hammar (Varnums socken) (1630 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Filipstads norra bergslags gruvfondskassa Record creator / Origination: Snarkils bruk (1721 – 1877) Record creator / Origination: Änggruvorna (1658 – 1905) Record creator / Origination: Niklasdamms bruk (1666) Record creator / Origination: Storbrohyttan (1591) Record creator / Origination: Finnmossens gruvor ( – 1973) Record creator / Origination: Oleby bruk (1890) Record creator / Origination: Tabergs gruvor (1702 – 1962) Record creator / Origination: Lyreds bruk (1838 – 1879) Record creator / Origination: Näshammars bruk (1639 – 1856) Record creator / Origination: Hedenskogshyttan (1642 – 1880) Record creator / Origination: Älgå bruk (1686) Record creator / Origination: Treskogs bruk (1680 – 1869) Record creator / Origination: Gustafsströms bruk (1749 – 1897) Record creator / Origination: Gammelkroppa bruk (1540 (före) – 1904) Record creator / Origination: Hektorshyttan (1600 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Motjärnshyttan (1649 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Mitandersfors bruk (1832 – 1874) Record creator / Origination: Annefors bruk (Sunne) (1798) Record creator / Origination: Agegruve Bolag (1694 (före) – 1894) Record creator / Origination: Uvanå bruk (1831 – 1874) Record creator / Origination: Glava skifferbrott (1700-tal) Record creator / Origination: Kristinefors bruk (1803) Record creator / Origination: Brunsbergsverken (Värmland) Record creator / Origination: Gårdsjö bruk (1694 – 1875) Record creator / Origination: Lindfors bruk (1628 – 1883) Record creator / Origination: Lenungshammars bruk (1823) Record creator / Origination: Björkborns bruk (1639 – 1900) Record creator / Origination: Bosjö bruk (1611) Record creator / Origination: Norums bruk (1629 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Vägsjöfors bruk (1743 – 1893) Record creator / Origination: Horrsjöhyttan (1580 – 1847) Record creator / Origination: Nordmarks gruvor (1413 – 1962) Record creator / Origination: Skåltjärnshyttan (1638 – 1860) Record creator / Origination: Skillingsfors bruk (1793 – 1885) Record creator / Origination: Karlsfors bruk (1748 – 1876) Record creator / Origination: Lövstafors bruk (1839 – 1868) Record creator / Origination: Skarphyttan (1638) Record creator / Origination: Västra Skogsbacksgruvan (1816 – 1886) Record creator / Origination: Stjernsfors bruk (1669 – 1918) Record creator / Origination: Åminnefors bruk (1630 – 1890) Record creator / Origination: Saxå bruk (1540 – 1916) Record creator / Origination: Kalhyttan (1566 – 1738) Record creator / Origination: Dalkarlsjöhyttan (1642 – 1859) Record creator / Origination: Älvsjöhyttan (1768 – 1896) Record creator / Origination: Töcksfors bruk (1797)

Kept by: Värmlandsarkiv, Region Värmland (depå: Arkivcentrum Värmland, Zakrisdal)

36. Volym
General note: W - Z -län.
Date: 1970 – 1979
Part of: Statens Vägverk Centralförvaltningen
Record creator / Origination: Statens vägverk

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge)

37. Volym
General note: W-Z (efternamn) Persondossierer
Part of: SIDA, Biståndskontoret i Etiopien
Record creator / Origination: SIDA - Biståndskontoret i Kenya

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge)

38. Volym
General note: W - Y -län, snöbortforsling.
Date: 1968 – 1969
Part of: Statens Vägverk Centralförvaltningen
Record creator / Origination: Statens vägverk

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge)

39. Volym
General note: W - Y -län.
Date: 1972 – 1973
Part of: Statens Vägverk Centralförvaltningen
Record creator / Origination: Statens vägverk

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge)

40. Volym
General note: W - X -län.
Date: 1967 – 1976
Part of: Statens Vägverk Centralförvaltningen
Record creator / Origination: Statens vägverk

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge)

41. Volym
General note: W - Weg
Date: 1973 – 2001
Part of: Reumatikerförbundet
Record creator / Origination: Reumatikerförbundet (1947)

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge, Marieberg)

42. Volym
General note: W Svenska rapporter ang. det ekonomiska läget; X A...
Date: 1926 – 1930
Part of: Internationella handelskammarens svenska nationalkommittés arkiv
Record creator / Origination: Internationella handelskammarens svenska nationalkommitté (1921)

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge)

43. Volym
General note: Wrangel, Ingeborg - Erik Wrangel Wrangel, Jobst Ja...
Part of: Riksarkivets ämnessamlingar. Personhistoria
Record creator / Origination: [Proveniens ej registrerad]

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Marieberg)
Digitaliserat material finns

44. Volym
General note: WOM, M-W Projektakter lagda alfabetiskt efter ansö...
Date: 1983 – 1985
Part of: Styrelsen för U-landsforskning (SAREC)
Record creator / Origination: Styrelsen för U-landsforskning (1975 – 1995)

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Arninge)

45. Volym
Title: Wollin
Part of: Reduktionskontor
Record creator / Origination: [Proveniens ej registrerad]

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Marieberg)

46. Volym
Title: Wolgast; Rügen
Part of: Reduktionskontor
Record creator / Origination: [Proveniens ej registrerad]

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Marieberg)

47. Volym
Title: Wolgast m.m.
Part of: Reduktionskontor
Record creator / Origination: [Proveniens ej registrerad]

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Marieberg)

48. Volym
Title: Wolgast
Part of: Reduktionskontor
Record creator / Origination: [Proveniens ej registrerad]

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Marieberg)

49. Volym
Title: Wolgast
Part of: Reduktionskontor
Record creator / Origination: [Proveniens ej registrerad]

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Marieberg)

50. Volym
Title: W. Maur. Klingspor, C.N. af Klercker
Date: 1808 – 1809
Part of: Riksarkivets ämnessamlingar. Militaria
Record creator / Origination: [Proveniens ej registrerad]

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Stockholm/Täby (depå: Marieberg)