
Boksamling - låda 11

Per Emil Brusewitz


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ArkivinstitutionArbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek


Allmän anmärkningOther literature

1. Leonid Sevli. Who is to blame. Paradoxes on sex, love and marriage. 1928 (? - lots of notes (by Brusewitz-?))
2. Sportsmen of a Soviet enterprise. 1955 (-)
3. K. Kreingel. Self-service in a tea house. 1956 (-)
4. M.G. Rudenko. Self-service in a bookshop. 1957 (-)
5. A.L. Mendelson. The hygiene of marriage (Gigiena braka). 1928 (-)
6. A.I. Oparin. On the origins of life on Earth. 1957. With a note: "In memory of your visit to the Institute of Philosophy. Moscow, 19.09.1957" (?)
7. Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad. 1954 (-)
8. V. Afanassiev. The foundations of philosophical knowledge. 1962 (-)
9. I.D. Glazunov. M.V. Lomonossov - the founder of Russian materialist philosophy. 1961 (-)
10. I.S. Pereterskii. Justinian's "Digesti". 1956 (-)
11. Aesthetical education at Soviet school. 1954 (-)
12. I. Gummer, Yu, Kharin. The heroes of Stalingrad. 1958 (-)
13. P.N. Fedoseyev. Communism and philosophy. 1962. (-)
14. Hugo Glazer. Die jungsten Siege in der Medizin. (in Russian). 1966 (-)
15. A book about the Soviet education system. (Cover and title missing) (-)
16. Ya. R. Gailis (ed.) For help in the training of social education workers. 1924 (? - a note: "To dear comrade E. Brusewitz - a supporter of the new revolutionary Russia. Y. Gailis")
17. The newspaper and technical progress. 1956 (-)
18. V. Kelle. Historical materialism as a science. 1956 (-)
19. The problem of preparing scientific cadres. 1930 (-)
20. I. Blinkov. Friends of the Club (Club work organization). 1926 (-)


Skapad2019-10-23 11:54:07
Senast ändrad2019-10-23 11:54:07