
Census 1910

Name Feiwe
Home parish
Home parish Lunds stadsförsamling
Place of residence
Place of residence N:o 428 H
Deanery Torna
County Malmöhus
Birth year
Birth year 1890
Birth place
Birth place Kurland
Birth country
Birth country Lettland
Marital status
Marital status Ogift
Gender Man
Family status
Family status s.
Family status code
Family status code Barn
Family no
Family no 1
Confession of faith
Confession of faith Mosaisk trosbek.
Page 311
Row 32
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

About the household

About the household

Persons in the household
Fam. no 1
Fam. no 1 Hermander, Salomon Zural, b. 1861 in Kurland, Lettland, Skrotsamlare Lumpsamlare
Leia, b. 1861 in Kurland, Lettland
Feiwe, b. 1890 in Kurland, Lettland
Lasse, b. 1892 in Kurland, Lettland
David, b. 1896 in Kurland, Lettland
Vigdor, b. 1898 in Kurland, Lettland
Rebecka, b. 1899 in Kurland, Lettland
Simon, b. 1889 in Kurland, Lettland, Handlande
Fam. no 2
Fam. no 2 Juval, Herman, b. 1886 in Kurland, Lettland