Rosenkrantz, Charlotta Emerentia Fredrika Sofia

Census 1910

Name Rosenkrantz, Charlotta Emerentia Fredrika Sofia
Home parish
Home parish Lunds stadsförsamling
Place of residence
Place of residence N:o 432 C D I
Deanery Torna
County Malmöhus
Birth year
Birth year 1844
Birth place
Birth place Tistad Jutland
Birth country
Birth country Danmark
Title Baronessa
Marital status
Marital status Gift
Gender Kvinna
Family status code
Family status code Ensamstående
Family no
Family no 1
Other Gift med kammarherre Börje Axel Johan Kristian Rosenkrantz
Page 326
Row 19
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

About the household

About the household

Persons in the household
Fam. no 1
Fam. no 1 Rosenkrantz, Charlotta Emerentia Fredrika Sofia, b. 1844 in Tistad Jutland, Danmark
Fam. no 2
Fam. no 2 Ulfstrand Rosenkrantz, Nils Börje, b. 1879 in Östra Vemmerlöv Kristianstads län, Reservlöjtnant
Fam. no 3
Fam. no 3 Rosenkrantz, Viveka Charlotta Benedikta, b. 1886 in Östra Vemmerlöv Kristianstads län
Fam. no 4
Fam. no 4 Rosenkrantz, Karl Ivar Kristian, b. 1890 in Östra Vemmerlöv Kristianstads län, Studerande
Fam. no 5
Fam. no 5 Rosenkrantz, Frits Verner Gottlob, b. 1885 in Östra Vemmerlöv Kristianstads län, Juridikstuderande
Fam. no 6
Fam. no 6 Nilsson, Klara Maria, b. 1891 in Växjö Kronobergs län, Piga