Persdotter Persson, Lena

Census 1890

Name Persdotter Persson, Lena
Home parish
Home parish Adolf Fredrik Stockholm
Place of residence
Place of residence Facklan N:o 5
Deanery Stockholm
County Stockholms stad
Birth year
Birth year 1862
Birth parish
Birth parish Vånga Kristianstads län
Occupation Piga
Marital status
Marital status Ogift
Gender Kvinna
Family status code
Family status code Ensamstående
Family no
Family no 3
Page 210
Row 46
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

About the household

About the household

Persons in the household
Fam. no 1
Fam. no 1 Abrahamsen Abrahamsen, Zacharias Edvard, b. 1830 in Stockholm, Kamrerare
Bagge, Lilly Mathilda Adolfina, b. 1843 in Umeå Västerbottens län
Nanny Elisabet, b. 1868 in Stockholm
Lilly Mathilda, b. 1871 in Stockholm
Emmy Carolina, b. 1874 in Stockholm
Fam. no 2
Fam. no 2 Abrahamsen, Greta Mathilda, b. 1876 in Stockholm
Fam. no 3
Fam. no 3 Persdotter Persson, Lena, b. 1862 in Vånga Kristianstads län, Piga