Maria Linnea

Census 1930

Name Maria Linnea
Home parish
Home parish Gunnarskog
Place of residence
Place of residence Hjärperud Lunden
Page in the parish register
Page in the parish register 469
Deanery Jösse
County Värmland
Birth year
Birth year 1913
Birth parish
Birth parish Gunnarskog Värmlands län
Occupation Hemmadotter
Marital status
Marital status Ogift
Gender Kvinna
Family status
Family status d.
Family status code
Family status code Barn
Family no
Family no 1
Education 3 (småskola, folkskola)
Page 50
Row 5
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

About the household

About the household

Persons in the household
Fam. no 1
Fam. no 1 Andersson Lindgren, Johannes, b. 1869 in Gunnarskog Värmlands län, Skogsarbetare
Magnusdotter, Karolina, b. 1873 in Gunnarskog Värmlands län
Anders Joel, b. 1908 in Gunnarskog Värmlands län, Skogsarbetare
Selma Amalia, b. 1910 in Gunnarskog Värmlands län, Hembiträde
Maria Linnea, b. 1913 in Gunnarskog Värmlands län, Hemmadotter
Gustaf Emanuel, b. 1918 in Gunnarskog Värmlands län