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Showing record 1-16 of 16
1. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Augusta Kempfts recept

Time and place: Sent 1800-tal eller tidigt 1900-tal, S. Lindved, Svedala och/ eller Lund, Skåne län
Source reference: A 5088
Kept by: Folklivsarkivet i Lund

2. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Kerstin F:s receptsamling

Time and place: 1900-tal, Stockholm, Stockholms län
Source reference: (Preliminärt nr 21)
Kept by: Måltidernas hus i Grythyttan

3. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: "C J F:s ""Samlingar under min lefnad"""

Time and place: 1787- till tidigt 1800-tal
Source reference: Nordiska Museets ämnessamlingF 26 RA:23
Kept by: Nordiska museets arkiv

4. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Augusta von Scantz´s receptbok

Time and place: Sent 1800-tal, Hjälmarsberg?, Örebro län
Source reference: Nordiska Museets ämnessamlingF 26 RA:103
Kept by: Nordiska museets arkiv

5. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Totties receptsamling

Time and place: 1700-tal, Uppland, Uppsala län
Source reference: Tottie, accnr 30489
Kept by: Folkminnesenheten i Uppsala

6. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Vis- och receptbok

Time and place: 1926-1950, Hälsingland, Gävleborgs län
Source reference: I. Sellberg, accnr 34324:1
Kept by: Folkminnesenheten i Uppsala

7. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Anna Olssons kokbok

Time and place: 1898, Malmö, Skåne län
Source reference: Ebba Olssons samling, MM 61626
Kept by: Malmö Museer

8. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Signe Larssons recept

Time and place: 1910-1930, Arlöv, Burlövs församling, Skåne län
Source reference: Åke Waldemar Larssons samling, MHM 8302
Kept by: Malmö Museer

9. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Pekka Sosunnovs recept

Time and place: 1970-1980-tal, Stockholm, Stockholms län
Source reference: S:t Görans Gymnasium SE/SSA/0798 B/F4a/1
Kept by: Stockholms stadsarkiv

10. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Recept

Time and place: 1980-tal, Stockholm, Stockholms län
Source reference: S:t Görans Gymnasium SE/SSA/0798 B/F4a/2
Kept by: Stockholms stadsarkiv

11. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Receptsamling

Time and place: 1980-tal, Stockholm, Stockholms län
Source reference: S:t Görans Gymnasium SE/SSA/0798 B/F3b/1
Kept by: Stockholms stadsarkiv

12. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Skolans receptsamling

Time and place: 1983, Stockholm, Stockholms län
Source reference: S:t Görans Gymnasium SE/SSA/0798 B/F4a/1
Kept by: Stockholms stadsarkiv

13. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Husmanskostförklaringar från Operakällaren

Time and place: 1969-1970, Stockholm, Stockholms län
Source reference: A 5119
Kept by: Folklivsarkivet i Lund

14. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Maria Sophia Vilhelminas Snellmans recept

Time and place: Sent 1800-tal?, Uppsala län?
Source reference: x1929/1 D 1739 b
Kept by: Uppsala universitetsbibliotek

15. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Recept

Time and place: 1786-1865
Source reference: Wahlbergska släktarkivet SE/VALA/02434/F IV/1
Kept by: Riksarkivet, Landsarkivet i Vadstena

16. Handwritten recipes and cookbooks
Title: Maria Catharina Gripenstiernas receptbok

Time and place: Tidigt 1700-tal?
Source reference: Nordiska Museets ämnessamlingF 26 RA:88
Kept by: Nordiska museets arkiv