Torsdagen den 11 juli, klockan 16.30–22.00, pågår underhållsarbete på webbplatsen. Arbetet påverkar såväl webb som bildvisningen och vi ber om överseende för de störningar som kan uppkomma till följd av detta arbete.
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Showing record 1-20 of 3453
1. Census
Name: Larsson, Cla‰s

Birth year: 1830
County: Gotlands län
Census year: 1880
Digitaliserat material finns

2. Death records
The deceased: Bay (s), Margretthe

Date: 1663-03-08 (begravning)
Parish: Visby domkyrkoförsamling

3. Census
Name: Olof Joh:s

Birth year: 1884
County: Gotlands län
Census year: 1890
Digitaliserat material finns

4. Death records
The deceased: Törner, M S

Date: 1828-05-08
Parish: Visby domkyrkoförsamling

5. Marriage records
Groom's name: Lillavede, Jacob

Date: 1748-11-02
Bride's name: T, S
Parish: Barlingbo

6. Death records
The deceased: «name missing»

Date: 1697-11-28
Parish: Visby domkyrkoförsamling

7. Census
Name: Johanson Kolmodin, Olof Joha:s

Birth year: 1845
County: Gotlands län
Census year: 1900
Digitaliserat material finns

8. Death records
The deceased: Hansdotter, Anna

Date: 1781-01-06
Parish: Visby domkyrkoförsamling

9. Death records
The deceased: Löngren, Maria S

Date: 1821-06-30
Parish: Visby domkyrkoförsamling

10. Death records
The deceased: Widstrand, Stina Greta

Date: 1802-05-07
Parish: Visby domkyrkoförsamling

11. Death records
The deceased: Lundell, Johanna S

Date: 1831-10-18
Parish: Visby domkyrkoförsamling

12. Death records
The deceased: Forsberg, Anna S

Date: 1831-06-08
Parish: Visby domkyrkoförsamling

13. Death records
The deceased: Holmberg, Maria Elisabet

Date: 1826-07-27
Parish: Visby domkyrkoförsamling

14. Index of Title Deeds
Parish: Hellvi

Property name: S:t Olofsholms kalkbruk
Tax unit: 21/40
Year: 1823 Höstting
Paragraph: 52

15. Index of Title Deeds
Parish: Hellvi

Property name: S:t Olofsholms kalkbruk
Tax unit: 3/8
Year: 1810 Sommarting
Paragraph: 9

16. Index of Title Deeds
Parish: Hellvi

Property name: S:t Olofsholms kalkbruk
Tax unit: 2/5
Year: 1847 Höstting
Paragraph: 54

17. Index of Title Deeds
Parish: Hellvi

Property name: S:t Olofsholms kalkbruk
Tax unit: 1/8
Year: 1802 Höstting
Paragraph: 14

18. Index of Title Deeds
Parish: Hellvi

Property name: S:t Olofsholms kalkbruk
Tax unit: 5/24
Year: 1860 Vinterting
Paragraph: 7

19. Index of Title Deeds
Parish: Hellvi

Property name: S:t Olofsholms kalkbruk
Tax unit: 2/5
Year: 1860 Vinterting
Paragraph: 152

20. Index of Title Deeds
Parish: Hellvi

Property name: S:t Olofsholms kalkbruk
Tax unit: 1/5
Year: 1860 Sommarting
Paragraph: 170