Jönsson, Vilhelm

Census 1930

Name Jönsson, Vilhelm
Home parish
Home parish Visseltofta
Place of residence
Place of residence Kulhult
Page in the parish register
Page in the parish register 210
Deanery Västra Göinge
County Kristianstad
Birth year
Birth year 1908
Birth parish
Birth parish Visseltofta Kristianstads län
Occupation Jordbruksarbetare
Marital status
Marital status Ogift
Year of arrival
Year of arrival 1930
Arrived from
Arrived from Kristianstad Kristianstads län
Gender Man
Family status
Family status s.
Family status code
Family status code Barn
Family no
Family no 1
Education 3 (småskola, folkskola)
Income 100
Page 15
Row 12
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

About the household

About the household

Persons in the household
Fam. no 1
Fam. no 1 Johansson, Jöns, b. 1859 in Härlunda Kronobergs län, Understödstagare
Jönsson, Vilhelm, b. 1908 in Visseltofta Kristianstads län, Jordbruksarbetare
Fam. no 2
Fam. no 2 Jönsson, John, b. 1900 in Finja Kristianstads län, Toffelmakare
Davidsson, Gerda Ingeborg, b. 1908 in Göteryd Kronobergs län
Rut Birgit, b. 1927 in Göteryd Kronobergs län
Lilly Anna-Lisa, b. 1929 in Visseltofta Kristianstads län