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Showing record 141-160 of 3120183
141. Statlig myndighet
Name: S/ Diakonianstalten

Reference code: SE/SVAR/SSA-133010199

142. Person (släkt)
Name: Skoglund, S.

Date: 1900-tal
Reference code: SE/ARKIS/82400

143. Inventory of estates
Name: S, Lena

Year: 1800
Place of residence: Åby, Östervåla
Digitaliserat material finns

144. Inventory of estates
Name: Sundin, S.

Year: 1892
Place of residence: Rätansbyn, Rätan
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145. Person (släkt)
Name: Sundström, S.

Date: 1900-tal
Reference code: SE/ARKIS/80668

146. Inventory of estates
Name: Wikström, S

Year: 1859
Place of residence: Lugnvik, Ås
Digitaliserat material finns

147. Shipping office - ledger
Name: Andersson, K.S.S.

Birth year: 1904-09-11
Seaman's house: Västerviks sjömanshus
Type of document: Ledger

148. Person (släkt)
Name: Ankarsved, S.

Date: 1900-tal
Reference code: SE/ULA/13101

149. Shipping office - ledger
Name: Carlsson, A.S.S.

Birth year: 1872
Seaman's house: Västerviks sjömanshus
Type of document: Ledger

150. Inventory of estates
Name: Lampa, S

Year: 1876
Place of residence: Snippen, Lunnarp, Sya

151. Person (släkt)
Name: Anderson, S.

Date: 1800-tal
Reference code: SE/ARKIS/70652

152. Shipping office - ledger
Name: Andersson, K.S.S.

Birth year: 1904-09-04
Seaman's house: Västerviks sjömanshus
Type of document: Ledger

153. Shipping office - ledger
Name: Andersson, K. S.S.

Birth year: 1904-09-04
Seaman's house: Västerviks sjömanshus
Type of document: Ledger

154. Person (släkt)
Name: Karlsson, S.

Date: 1900-tal
Reference code: SE/ARKIS/81412

155. Person (släkt)
Name: Lundmark, S.

Reference code: SE/ARKIS/70571

156. Person (oident.)
Name: Sjöström, S

Date: 1900-tal
Reference code: SE/ULA/10348

157. Birth records
The childs name: Sven

Date: 1765-03-31
Father's name: Pålman, S.
Parish: Brunflo

158. Swedish National Biography
Name: Rubin, S Tryggve S

Occupation: Astronom, Geodet
Born: 1874
Death: 1946

159. Shipping office - ledger
Name: Andersson, K.S.S.

Birth year: 1904-09-04
Seaman's house: Västerviks sjömanshus
Type of document: Ledger

160. Shipping office - ledger
Name: Andersson, S.A.S.

Birth year: 1865
Seaman's house: Gävle sjömanshus
Type of document: Ledger