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ReferenskodSE/SMG/SMG_119-1/F 1/60
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ArkivinstitutionSjöfartsmuseet Akvariet Göteborg


Allmän anmärkningPort Line Ltd., London, kyllastmotorfartyg
Power Steamship Co. Ltd., O. Gross & Sons. , London, lastmotorfartyg
Princess Line Ltd., Furness, Withy & Co. Ltd., London, lastmotorfartyg
Reardon Smith Line Ltd., Sir William Reardon Smith & sons Ltd., Bideford, lastmotorfartyg
Regent Petroleum Tankship Co. Ltd., London
Robert Rix & Sons, Hull
William Robertson Shipowners Ltd., Glasgow, lastmotorfartyg
Sir R. Ropner & Co. Ltd., Darlington, lastmotorfartyg
C. Rowbotham and Sons Ltd., London
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Ltd., London, lastmotorfartyg
Chr. Salvesen & Co. Ltd. (Manager), Leith; A,F, Henry & Mac Gregor Ltd., Leith; Poar Whaling Co.; Suth Geogia Co., Leith
Scarsdale Shipping Co.Ltd., London; Management J.J. Denholm Ltd., Glasgow
Scottish Tanker Co. Ltd., London
S.S. Encounter Bay 1969, The Scotish Shire Line, London, lastångfartyg Container Ship
Freepiston Engined "Morar" 1959, Scottish Ore Carriers Ltd., lastfartyg, Ore Carrier
Sea Containers Ltd., London
Seaforth Maritime Ltd., Aberdeen
Shaw Savill & Albion Co, Ltd., Sourhampton London
The Sheaf Steam Shipping Co. Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne; W.A. Souter & Co. Ltd., lastmotorfartyg
Ship Towage Ltd., London
Silver Line Ltd., London, lastmotorfartyg
Sogar Shipping Co. Ltd., Glasgow
Somerston Shipping Co. Ltd., Chapman & Willan Ltd., Newcastle, lastmotorfartyg
Bamburgh Castle, W.A. Souter & Co. Ltd.; Newcastle, lastmotorfartyg
South American Saint Line Ltd., lastmotorfartyg
South Eastern Gas Board, London, lastmotorfartyg Colliers
Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail; Steam Packet Co. Ltd.; Southamtpon, passagerarmotorfartyg
Stag Line Ltd., North Shields
Stanhope Steamship Co. Ltd., London, lastmotorfartyg
Star Offshore Service Ltd., London
Stephenson Clarke Shipping Ltd., London, lastmotorfartyg
John Stewart & Co, Shipping Ltd., Glasgow, lastmotorfartyg
Stirling Shipping Co. Ltd., Glasgow
Sugar Line Ltd., London; Sivertown Services Shipping Ltd.,lastmotorfartyg Bulk Sugar Carrier


Skapad2017-06-22 09:36:59
Senast ändrad2018-05-03 09:08:12