
Boksamling - låda 5

Per Emil Brusewitz


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ArkivinstitutionArbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek


Allmän anmärkningLådan saknas 2003-07-04

Works by Soviet leaders and prominent party and political figures, materials of party conferences, political literature, memoirs.

1. P.M. Kerzhentsev. The Struggle for Time (on rationalization). 1924 (+)
2. L. Trotsky. Questions of everyday life (Voprosy byta). 1923 (+)
3. P. Stuchka. Soviet Constitution. Questions and answers. 1924 (?)
4. G. Zinoviev. On bread (O khlebe nasushchnom). 1918 (+)
5. M. Lourie (Yu. Larin). The composition of proletariat. An essay on social physiology (Sostav proletariata. Iz oblasty sozialnoi physiologii). 1918 (+)
6. N. (V.I.) Lenin. The report to and the concluding speech at the Third Russian Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies' Soviets. 1918. (+).
7. Klara Zetkin. The struggle for freedom and peace in Russia. (in Russian) 1918 (-)
8. World War. Translated from German. With a foreword by G. Zinoviev. 1918 (?)
9. G. Zinoviev. The First of May - a proletarian holiday. 1918 (+)
10. W. Liebknecht. From defence to the offensive (translated from German). 1918 (?)
11. Carl Radek. Anarchists and the Soviet Russia. 1918. (+)
12. G. Zinoviev and A. Lunacharsky. Karl Marx and the socialist revolution. 1918 (+)
13. V. Kuibyshev. On the economic situation of the USSR. 1928 (+)
14. M. Tomsky. Principles of organizing trade unions. 1919 (+)
15. I. Stalin. On the results of the CPSU XIV Conference's work. 1925 (+)
16. L. Kaganovich. From the XV to the XVI Congress of the CPSU. 1930 (+)
17. I. Stalin. On the dialectic and historical materialism. 1939 (+)
18. A.I. Mikoyan. The problem of supplying the country and reconstructing the economy. 1929 (+)
19. G. Zinoviev. G.V. Plekhanov. (Instead of a funeral speech). 1918 (+)
20. A.V. Lunacharsky. Karl Marx. For the 100-th anniversary. 1918 (+)
21. W. Liebknecht. Memoirs about Marx. Translated from German. 1918 (?)
22. Karl Kautsky. Karl Marx. A biographic essay. 1918 (?)
23. D. Ryazanov. G.V. Plekhanov and the "Liberation of Labour" group. 1918 (+)
24. G. Zinoviev. N. Lenin (V.I. Uluanov). Essays on his life and activities. 1918 (+)
25. G. Zinoviev. The workers' party and trade unions (on the "neutralism" of the trade union movement). 1918 (+)
26. G. Zinoviev. The Czechoslovaks, the White Gurads and the working class. 1918 (+)
27. In memory of Karl Marx. A collection of essays by G. Zinoviev, Yu. Kamenev, n. (V.I.) Lenin, R. Luzemburg etc. 1918 (?)
28. M. Tomsky. The principles of trade unions' organization. 1923 (?)
29. Karl Kautsky. Class interests. Translated from German. 1918 (-)
30. N. (V.I.) Lenin. The main task of our times; On the childish "leftism" and petty bourgeioisie. 1918 (?)
31. D. Ryazanov. Karl Marx and the Russians of the 1840s. 1918 (?)
32. L. Kaganovich. How the Bolshevik party is organized. 1924 (+)
33. V.I. Lenin. Speech at the All-Russian conference on the work in the countryside. 1919 (+) (enclosed - handwritten notes by Brusewitz).
34. V.V. Shulgin. Three capitals. A voyage to the Red Russia (white immigrant edition) (+)
35. M. Kalinin. On the Soviets' organization. A report to the Third All-Union Congress of Soviets. 1925 (+)
36. G. Zinoviev. Letter to the peasants. 1918 (original in unusable condition)
37. F. Dzerzhinsky. Current tasks of industrial policy. 1925 (?)
38. V. Kuibyshev. Results and perspectives of economic buildup in the USSR. 1927 (+)
39. Karl Radek. The liquidation of the Versailles Peace. A report to the IV Congress of the Comintern. 1922 (+)
40. S. Ordzhonikidze. The CPSU and trade unions in the struggle for the improvement of the Soviets' apparatus. 1929 (+)
41. I.V. Stalin. Questions of Leninism. 1939 (?)
42. N.S, Khrushchev. The current stage of communist construction and the party's tasks to improve agricultural management. rReport to the CPSU Plenum. 1962 (? - typewritten note enclosed)
43. Karl Marx. Hired labour and capital. 1918 (?). (-)
44. G. Zinoviev. Bread, peace and the parties. 1918 (+)
45, P.M. Kerzhentsev. The scientific organization of work. 1923 (+)
46. Karl Kautsky. The economic teachings of Karl Marx. (-)
47. W. Liebknecht. The two worlds. Translated from German. 1918 (-)
48. V.I. Lenin. How to organize competition?. 1929 (-)
49. D. Manuilskii. On the results of the Comintern's extended plenum. 1925 (+)
50. Karl Kautsky. Karl Marx and his historical significance. Translated from the manuscript. 1918 (?)
51. Karl Marx. Liberals in power. (-)
52. F. Lassal. Principles of labour in modern society. Translated from German. 1918 (-)
53. L. Trotsky. The ways towards European revolution. 1924 (+)
54. I. Stalin. The October revolution and Russian communists' tactics. 1939 (?)
55. I. Stalin. A conversation with the British writer H.G. Wells. 1937 (?)
56. I. Stalin. Two letters. 1927 (+: lots of notes by Brusewitz)
57. N. Bukharin. Down with international rogues!. 1918 (+)
58. P.M. Kerzhentsev. The newspaper. 1924 (? - a note: "To comrade Brusewitz from the author. 30 May 1924")
59. N. Bukharin. The programme of communists (bolsheviks). 1919 (+)
60. August Bebel. Christianity and socialism. 1918 (-)


Skapad2019-10-23 11:54:07
Senast ändrad2019-10-23 11:54:07