
Boksamling - låda 6

Per Emil Brusewitz


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ArkivinstitutionArbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek


Allmän anmärkningVarious political literature. Literature on Party and administrative questions

1. L. V-ik. A place occupied by Germans. The life in the city of Polotsk since its occupation by German troops. 1918 (?)
2. K. Samoilova. Working women and revolution (to the first anniversary of the February Revolution). 1918 (?)
3. Albert Turlaine. The Paris Commune of 1971 (translated from French). 1918 (?)
4. I. Stepanov. Jean Paul Marat and his struggle against counterrevolution. 1918 (?)
5. The Communist wreath. A collection of literary essays dedicated to the memory of V. Volodarsky. 1918 (?)
6. Vatin. What is the Commune?. 1918 (?)
7. Yu. Steklov. The 1848 revolution in France (?)
8. I.L. Vardin. The Bolshevik press (Pressa Bolshevizma). 1925 (?)
9. The Third International: what is it? Collection of essays for propaganda workers. 1920 (?)
10. W. Bracke. Down with the Social Democrats. Translated from German. 1918. (-)
11. The First of May - our workers' holiday (-)
12. Kiy. The Soviet Republic. 1918 (?)
13. Ad-yanz. The peasant question in France,. 1918 (?)
14. A collection of works for discussion. The problems of party organization. 1923 (+)
15. L. Berezanskii. How to organize the work of temporary control commissions. 1929 (?)
16. A. Alexeyeva. The growth of the party in the situation of class struggle. 1929 (-)
17. G.A. Mozhayev. International cultural links of the USSR. 1959 (-)
18. The organization of local Soviet authorities. 1919 (+)
19. R. Ruben. Proletarian control and the Soviets' apparatus. 1930 (?)
20. N. Chiburenko, L. Matlin. Initiative plus enthusiasm (in the series "Comsomol experience library"). 1930 (-)
21. A, Filippov, B. Krynskaya. The territory and finances of the rural Soviets. 1930 (?)
22. A.I. Lepeshkin. The phases of development and functions of the Soviet state. 1958 (-)
23. K. Samoilova. What did the Great October Revolution give to the workers and peasants. 1918 (?). An irrelevant newspaper clipping enclosed.
24. The history of the CPSU. 1962 (+) (Lots of notes by Brusewitz)
25. G. Goberman. Test yourself. A questionnaire about the "Communist Manifesto". 1924 (-)
26. Ye. Yaroslavskii. Mr. Trotsky at the service of the bourgeoisie. 1929 (?)
27. Socialist construction, self-criticism and the tasks of the press. A collection of essays. 1929 (-)
29. The World War. Translated from German. 1918 (? - a note by Brusewitz on the cover).
30. "Cleansing" the Soviets' apparatus. 1930 (?)
31. The participation of the masses in the work of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection. 1930 (-)
32. A. Berdnikov, F. Svetlov. The basics of political education. 1926 (-)
33. The results of the CPSU XVI Congress. 1930 (-)
34. Yu. M. Steklov. The International (1864-1914). Pt. 1. (-)
35. Yu.M. Steklov. The International. Pt. 2 (-)
36. Yu.M. Steklov. The International. Pt. 3. (-)
37. Z. Lilina. The soldiers of the home front. Women's labour before and after the war. 1918 (?)
38. G. Korenev. The Red Army of the Soviet Union. 1929 (-)
39. Kiy. What Socialism is? 1918 (-)
40. D. Ryazanov. Anglo-Russian relations as evaluated by K. Marx. 1918 (-)
41. K. Eisner. Wilhelm Liebknecht. His life and activities. 1919 (?)
42. E. Yaroslavskii. The yesterday and tomorrow of the trotskytes. 1929 (?)
43. The results of the XVI CPSU Congress. Materials for making information reports. 1930 (? - lots of notes by Brusewitz)
44. V. Voitinsky. The forces of modern socialism. Paris, 1929 (+ : lots of notes by Brusewitz)
45. N. Gorlov. The dark forces, war and pogroms. 1918 (?)
46. K. Samoilova. The foodstuffs question and the Soviet power. 1918 (?)
47. K. Ryabinskii. The revolutrion of 1917. A chronicle of events. Vol. 5, October. 1926 (-)
48. A reference book for propaganda workers from Petrograd (Spravochnik Petrogradskogo agitatora i propagandista. No. 8, August 1922. (-)
50. The amalgamated Bureau for filing complaints of the Central Control Committee of the USSR's and Russian Federation's People's Commissariats for Workers' and Peasants' Inspection. 1930 (-)
51. Bystryansky. Imperialism. 1918 (? - a note by Brusewitz on the front cover)
52. H.P. Rogava. Soviet socialist state in the period of transition from socialism to communism. 1956 (-)
53. The Political Dictionary. 1958 (-)
54. The Popular political dictionary. 1926 (-)


Skapad2019-10-23 11:54:07
Senast ändrad2019-10-23 11:54:07