



ReferenskodSE/SEI/SEI_813-1/L 1/1
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1917 – 1994  (Tidsomfång)
ArkivinstitutionSvenska Emigrantinstitutet


Allmän anmärkningMapp 1:
1. "Malmbergspojke kom hem som bar-miljonär", om Simon Ljungberg, Chicago. Smålandsposten 1956-06-27.
2. "Ordained for God's Service". Chicago Baptist deaf Church. Informationsblad, 1994 (kopia).
3. "New Plan Floated for Viking Ship", om Vikingaskeppet i Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, u.å.
4. "After 74 years in city dry dock, Viking ship is again on move", om Vikingaskeppet i Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago. Forts. "Ship", Chicago Tribune 1994-03-10.
5. "Sad is the ending - After 1893 fair, it wasn't the same", om 100th anniversary of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Forts. "Fair", Chicago Tribune 1993-10-29.
6. "Norman Swenson, church executive", om Norman Swensons död, Chicago u.å.
7. "Western Illinois - The history is as Rich as the Prairie Soil in...". Illinois/N. Indiana July/August 1993, 1993-07/08.
8. "Chicago Remembers A Grand Worlds Fair - Chicago celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Columbian Exposition". Illinoi/N. Indiana July/August 1993, 1993-08.
9. "Sell the cookstove if necessary, but come to the fair", om 1893 års Columbian Exposition i Chicago. 1993-08 (åtta sidor).
10. "The Sinking of the Vestris - Photography Classic Tells the Story of an Ocean Tragedy - Fred Hanson, Using his $8.50 Camera Captured Drama Aboard the Sinking Vestris". Chicago Sunday Tribune 1953-02-22.
11. "We're Celebrating!". Tidskriften "Progress", Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago Summer of 1993, 1993.
12. "Norman W. Nelson, 78; was Field Museum exec", om Norman W. Nelsons död. Chicago Tribune 1993-07-09.
13. "Scandinavian Discovery - Vaxjo: Off the Beaten Tourist Path", om Växjö, Utvandrarnas Hus, Smålands museum. Chicago Tribune 1971-10-24.
14. "The Dream City - This Town could learn a thing or two from Burnhams bold, bold utopia", om 100th anniversary of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Forts. "Fair" Chicago Tribune 1993-05-02.
15. "Chicago still among World's Fairest citys", om 100th anniversary of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Forts. "Fair" Chicago Tribune 1990-04-30.
16. "Chicago Celebrates Centennial: World's Columbian Exposition", om 100th anniversary of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Forts. The Sun: Scandinavia - USA News 1993-02-28.
17. "Först var det bara säkerhetstjänsten som brydde sig om Olof Palme, om Olof Palme i USA, Washington. iVeckan u.å.
18. "Selma Jacobson". The Lutheran 1994-08.
19. "Värmländsk hemslöjd i unik film från 50-talet", om en film av Selma Jacobson som handlar om hemslöjd, inspelad i början av 50-talet, Chicago. NWT 1994-12-14.
20. "Oscar Jacobson is ninety-three". Nebo Hi Lites - Nebo Evangelical Lutheran Church 1974-12.
21. "Flag Day! Swedish Community here Unfurling Old Obersance", om Swedish Flag Day in Chicago. Chicago Daily News u.å.
22. "1892 Expo Time Capsule Opened", om Linnéstatyn och tidskapseln, 1976-03-30.
23. "Statue Hid Memorabilia for 85 Years", om Linnestatyn och tidskapseln. Chicago Tribune 1976-03-31 (två ex.).
24. "Spotless streets full of Tradition", forts. "Spotless streets of Scandinavian tradition", om Andersonville, Chicago, "When it comes to Swedish Restaurants, Chicago has a Smorgasbord", om skandinaviska restauranger i Chicago. Chicago Sun-Times 1971-03-12.
25. "The shrimpville primp", "Dumpling is something super", om svensk matlagning (recept). Chicago Sun-Times 1971-03-12.
26. "With Love from Sweden" forts. "Baking with Love from Sweden", "Camille Jilke Kitchen almanac - Herring in a Pickle", om svensk matlagning (recept). Chicago Sun-Times 1971-03-12.
27. "Här dödades två svenska pensionärer - Yxmördaren sinnessjuk", om två svenska turister som mördades i Moskva. Smålandsposten 1978-06-28.
28. "Preserving Chicago's Swedish History: The Carl von Linné Monument". The Sun: Scandinavia - USA News 1994-01-25.
29. "When Selma Jacobson speaks of her family album, she's not necessarily talking about a book of photographs", om Selma Jacobson, u.å.
30. "Dedication cited as Citizens of Year Honored at Luncheon", om Selma Jacobson. Lerner Times Newspapers 1979-03-14.
31. "USA-resa i tid och rum (1): Svenskfesten i Chicago", artikel av Ulf Beijbom. Smålandsposten 1986-12-17.
32. "Old clothes dress up her collection", om Selma Jacobson. Harlem Foster Times, 1984-03-07.
33. "A few swedish Movements by Ricardo Nelson", om Ricardo Nelson. Boston Daily Advertiser 1923-02-08 (ett original, en kopia).
34. "Ricardo Nelson - Filmed by all the Weekly News as the World's Strongest Man - Out-Pulls World's best team". Telegram från MA., u.å.
35. "Känd affärsman i Chicago 50 år", om Ricardo Nelson. Svenska Amerikanaren Tribunen 1948-02-19.
36. "Den välkände affärsmannen, Ricardo Nelson..." Svenska Amerikanaren Tribunen 1948-04-15.
37. "I Ricardo Nelsons resebyrå..." Svenska Amerikanaren Tribunen 1947-08-07.
38. "Kraftatlet från Småland gör god sverigereklam", om Ricardo Nelson. Göteborgs-Posten 1950-06-25.
39. Reklam: Julkort, juldekorationer. Ricardo Nelson's 5245 N. Clark St. Svenska Amerikanaren Tribunen 1947-12-18.
40. Reklam: Ricardo Nelson's resebyrå 5245 N. Clark St. Svenska Amerikanaren Tribunen 1947-12-18.
41. "Penningsgåva", om Selma Jacobson på Utvandrarnas Hus, Växjö. Smålandsposten 1983-06-17.
42. "City funds help paint a new face on diverse Lakeview Central area". Forts. "New Lakeview Central". Chicago Tribune u.å.
43. "Tribute to the 'Queen of Chicago Swedes'", om Selma Jacobson. The College News 1981-10-16.
44. "Ett betydelsefullt amerikasvenskt kulturföretag. Upprop för åstadkommande af en svensk biblioteks- och arkivbyggnad i Chicago". Allsvensk Samling 1917-05-15.


Skapad2022-05-03 09:12:06
Senast ändrad2022-05-03 09:12:06