
Fatigue and stress reports

Luftfartsverket. Luftfartsinspektionens arkiv

 Volymer (21 st)

11981 – 1982340 Flight testing 
21982 – 1984SF340 Full scale fatigue test vol I:? 72GTS5118 rev A, rev B SF340 complete airframe fatigue test load conditions? Appendix 1 Wing loading system? Appendix 2 Horizontal tail loading system? Appendix 3 Vertical tail loading system? Appendix 4 Fuselage loading system? 72GTS5103 rev F, rev G, rev H SF340 Test plan certification ground test plan complete airframe fatigue test? 72CCS0420 SF340 Structure fatigue meeting information meeting. Full scale fat. test? 72SAS0226 SF340 Full scale fatigue test inspection before test requirement? 72SAS0222 SF340 Minutes from information meeting fatigue testing Linköping may 3-4 1983? 72SAS0243 SF340 Remarks from informal CAA/BCA visit at SAAB-SCANIA June 21-23 1983 
31983 – 1984SF340 Full scale fatigue test vol II:? 72SAS0264 SF340 rationalization of structural deviations for full scale fatigue test plan? 72TFS0096 Documentation of force transducer mts fatigue system? 72PWS0463 Calibration on force transducer mts fatigue system? 72GTS5155 SF340 Fatigue test control system description (on request)? 72PWS0459 SF340 Inspection report test equipment fatigue SF340? 72PWS6040 SF340 Statement of conformity fatigue A/C (se även File conformity Inspection Record)? 72CCS0642 SF340 Full scale fatigue meeting BCA/CAA/RLD/FAA Oct 20-21, 1983 at SAAB? 72SAS0217 SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test spectrum and sequence? 72SAS0284 SF340 Minutes from fatigue prestart meeting in Linköping 83-10-20--21? 72SAS0217 SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test spectrum and sequence? 72GTSH500 SF340 Full scale fatigue test monthly review, november 1983? 72GTSH501 SF340 Full scale fatigue test monthly review, december 1983? 72GTSH503 SF340 Full scale fatigue test monthly review, january 1984? 72GTSH505 SF340 Full scale fatigue test monthly review, februry 1984? 72GTSH507 SF340 Full scale fatigue test monthly review, may 1984? 72GTSH508 SF340 Full scale fatigue test monthly review, june 1984? 72GTSH509 SF340 Full scale fatigue test monthly review, july 1984? 72GTSH510 SF340 Full scale fatigue test monthly review, august 1984? 72SAS0281 SF340 Full scale fatigue test comparison between applied load on cabin and loads from alternative passenger distribution? 72SAS0160 SF340 Full scale fatigue test inspections? SF340 Flap fatigue test 
41984Function and Reliability test report- 72CCS0991-72LAS0404- Notes from Eric Widström- Function and Reliability Test program 
51984 – 1985SF340 Full scale fatigue test strain gaue installation- 72TFS0081, 1984- 72TSF0081, 1985Andit report no 42 
61984 – 1985SF340 Full scale fatigue test vol III:? 72GTS5311 SF340 Certification ground test complete airframe fatigue test? 72SAS0217 rev A SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test spectrum and sequence No.1? 72SAS0324 SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test spectrum and sequence No.2? 72SAS0372 SF340 Full scale fatigue test inspection at 30 000 flights? 72SAS0380 SF340 Full scale fatigue test inspection at 36 000 flights? 72SAS0353 SF340 Influence from test spectrum modifications for SF340 complete airframe fatigue test? 72SAS0385 SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test load changes on the horizontal tail? 72SAS0399 SF340 Full scale fatigue test. Inspection at 42 000 flights? 72SAS0396 SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test results of inspection at 36 000 flights? 72SAS0402 SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test results of inspection at 42 000 flights? 72SAS0406 SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test results of inspection at 48 000 flights 
71984 – 1990SAAB 340 Complete airframe fatigue test ? Inspection Report, 1990Sf 340 Full scale fatigue test requirement for inspection before certification, 1984 
81985SF340 Full scale fatigue test vol IV:? 72SAS0416 SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test results of inspection at 48 572 flights? 72SAS0419 SF340 Full scale fatigue test inspection at 54 000 flights? 72SAS6011 SF340 Horizontal stabilizer fatigue lift with 132" PROPELLER? 72SAS0428 SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test results of inspection at 54 408 flights? 72SAS0430 SF340 Full scale fatigue test. Requirements for inspection applicable from 60 000 flights? 72SAS0451 SF340 Complete airframe fatigue test results of inspection at 60 000 flights and action taken on fatigue, delivered and new production A/C 
91990 – 1991Damage Tolerance Report Vol V:? 72SAS3156 SAAB 340 Damage tolerance report skin panels/splices rear fuselage, 1990-1991? 72SAS3151 SAAB 340 Damage tolerance report cargo door support structure, 1991? 72SAS2159 SAAB 340 Damage tolerance report cabin bottom panel, 1990? 72SAS1151 SAAB 340 Damage tolerance report forward fuselage, 1991 
101992- 72SAS7008A SAAB 340B Stress report 1992- 72SAS7013A SAAB 340B Stress report 1992- 72SAS7025A SAAB 340B Stress report 1992 
111992 – 1996Stress report Cabin SAAB 340B- 72SAS7003AFullscale fatigue test, 1993Fullscale fatigue test 1995-1996 
121995 – 1999-Technical report amendment 1997- Stress analysis, Fatigue and damage tolerance report amendment 1999 (1/2) 
131995 – 2003Ground Test plan- 72GTS5103, 2003- 72SAS0643 Saab 340 Full-Scale Fatigue Test Appedix A1-A25 och B, 1995-2003- 72GTS5311 Saab 340 Cetrification Ground Test Report Complete Airframe, 1997 
141996 – 1997SAAB 340 SAR structures certification:? 96-01-30 Möte SAAB/LFV på lfv presentation av koncept? 96-02-22 Möte SAAB/lmt-Lmu SAR structural MOD - fatigue effects? 3 November 1995 Type specification 72 PJS 0329 RevD For Japan Maritime Safety agency (confidential)? 96-12-20 SAR-200 Weight distribution for structural design loads? 72CCS2815 96-11-14 SAR-200 type investigation program. Observer window for search and rescue configuration? 72CCS2816 96-11-14 SAR-200 Appliction and approval of major change observer window for search and rescue configuration? 72SAS7221 RevA SAR-200 Stress report yaw control cables RE-route? 72SDS0299 SAR 200 Test plan working stress static pressure & fail safe for observer window? 72YFS0165 RevB SAR-200 Protection for ICE thrown from the propellers? 72SDS0300 SAR-200 Test report working stress, static pressure & fail safe for observer window 
151997? 72SAS7225 SAAB 340B (SAR) Stress analysis report airframe structure 1/4 & 2/4 
161997? 72SAS7225 SAAB 340B (SAR) Stress analysis report airframe structure 3/4 
171997? 72SAS7225 SAAB 340B (SAR) Stress analysis report airframe structure 4/4 
181997SAAB 340 SAR loads reports:? 72SRS3202 SAAB 340 SAR structural design loads? 72SRS3205 SAAB 340 SAR normalized airload distributions? 72SRS3211 SAAB 340 SAR loads due to combined vertical and lateral gusts? 72SRS3210 Am1 SAAB 340 SAR dynamic gust loads analysis for lateral gusts? 72SRS3201 SAAB 340 SAR criteria report for structural loads determination? 72SRS3208 SAAB 340 SAR control system loads? 72SRS3218 SAAB 340 SAR airload on antennas 
191997SAAB 340 SAR stress report:? 72SAS7217 SAAB 340B (SAR) stress report FLIR mechanism? 72ESS1732 SAAB 340B (SAR) statement operators console? 72SAS7228 SAAB 340B (SAR) regarding the structural strength? 72SAS7229 SAAB 340B (SAR) fatigue strength statement 
201999 – 2003- Stress analysis, Fatigue and damage tolerance report amendment 1999 (2/2)- Ballistic and intrusion substantiation, 2002- Cookpit Door Intrusion Resistant Test Report, 2002- Cookpit Door Ballistic test report, 2002- Engineering report - Cookpit door design, 2002-2003 
212000 – 2003- 72AS7115 SAAB304B (SAR) Radar Installation, 2000- 72SAS1819 SAAB 340a/C 061. Repair of Corroded Skin Panels. 2001- 340SA003012 SAAB304 Cargo, 2002SAAB340 Full Scale Fatigue Test, Residual Strength Test, 2003