
The IK Foundation Kollektion av flygfotografier


Länk till posten
0,5 Hyllmeter 
1 Icke specificerat material  (Ett skåp med fotografier (går ej att uppskatta antal).)
18 Fotografier  (Större inramade fotografier från utställning.)
0,2 Hyllmeter  (Tilläggsleverans i november 2021. Även en bunt fotografier.)
VillkorsanmTillgång till bildmaterialet ges i undantagsfall; i första hand hänvisas till de digitaliserade versionerna tillgängliga via gåvogivaren: The IK Workshop Society |
Creative commonslicens CC BT-NC-ND 3.0 gäller.
Arkivförteckning (godkänd), Maria Wallin
Arkivförteckning (godkänd), Maria Wallin
Övriga hänvisningar
Webbsida: (org)
ArkivinstitutionRiksarkivet i Lund (depå: Arkivcentrum Syd)
Hansen, Lars (1960)
Kategori: Person (släkt)
Ericsson, Esse (1921 – 1996)
Alternativa namn: Eriksson, Erik Milis Esaias
Kategori: Person (släkt)
Hallberg, Putte (fotograf) (1933)
Alternativa namn: Hallberg, Sven Gösta
Kategori: Person (släkt)
The IK Foundation
Kategori: Övriga


Allmän anmärkningSamlingen består av flygfotografier. Dessa finns även digitaliserade och tillgängliga via en webbsida hos gåvogivaren: The IK Workshop Society |

Gåvan inkom 2021-03-15.
Inledning (äldre form)Ur pressreleasen från The IK Foundation i samband med överlämnandet till Riksarkivet:

Since the 1980s, The IK Foundation has worked with aerial pictures in a large number of research projects as well as the development of methodology for aerial pictures in natural and cultural history. Through the takeover of early pioneering work (1988) on the subject (Esse Ericsson's Aerial Picture Archive) equally as more recent work/archives by Putte Hallberg and Lars Hansen,
"The IK Foundation Collection of Aerial Pictures" spans about 70 years of aerial pictures with a special focus on the southernmost provinces in Sweden.
Through an early collaboration with, among others, the Erna & Viktor Hasselblad Foundation, development, publication and exhibitions of the collection have taken place. Since 2019 IK, in collaboration with the Thora Ohlsson Foundation, has carried out a digitisation of the collection and opened a dedicated department within The IK Workshop Society called iBirdsEye, an open resource for the development of the subject in an interdisciplinary spirit.

The physical archival material – which in addition to pictures also consists of writings, maps, notes, research papers, etc. – was donated during March 2021 by The IK Foundation to the Swedish National Archives (Riksarkivet).
The IK Foundation has chosen this cooperation due to that The Swedish National Archives is one of the country's oldest public authorities. With roots in the Middle Ages, the first archive was established in 1618. In 1878 the National Archives became an independent public authority. In the 20th century, seven Regional State Archives were established to collect and preserve the records
of regional and local authorities. In addition to their role as main archives for the authorities, they also care for public archives and the archives of selected private individuals and non-public organisations, including businesses. The National Archives collect and secure records to preserve them for future generations, as part of the common national heritage.
The donation is the beginning of a new era for the material and the subject! The physical archive is given long-term care, whilst the digital material with thousands of pictures is already freely available which will inspire new knowledge, new technology and opportunities – a donation for inspiration to understand various landscapes' Natural & Cultural History. This is an exciting
collaboration between The IK Foundation and The Swedish National Archives.

For a full archive catalogue, please visit


Skapad2021-06-15 11:33:19
Senast ändrad2021-12-09 13:01:31