
[ROLL 1]



ReferenskodSE/SEI/SEI_3131-1/F 1/1
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ArkivinstitutionSvenska Emigrantinstitutet


Allmän anmärkningManuscript that appears to be for "Erik-Jansonistsernas Historia" printed in Galva, Illinois, ca. 1903. Handwritten in Swedish. Probably compiled by John Hellsen, incl. stories (berättelser) depositions from Jonas Olson, Nils Hellbom, Anna Maria Strale and others. Excerpts from Swedish court-records by J.E. Ekblom, Thorstuna, Sweden, 92 pp. L & E Miner-BHHA (Bishop Hill Heritage Association) 1964.
Manuscript, Jansson, Erik. "2 Chapitlet, Ett kort sammandrag af Erik Janssons lefnads historia till ar 1843." A summary of Erik Jansson's life until 1843. 11 pieces, PN. BHHA Sep 1971.
Manuscript, autobiography by Erik Jansson, describing life and preachings in Hälsingland, 1843-?, 46 pp. PN BHHA 1969.
Manuscript, Jansson, Erik. "De rätta Christnas tro och bekännelse inför människor." (The true Christian faith and Confession before the world) n.p., n.d. 1 piece pp 4 PN BHHA 1969.
Manuscript, Jansson, Erik (?). "Till Warande eller Blifvande Wänner inom Israelitiska Församlingen." A circular written by Erik Jansson to actual prospective followers, warning of false teachings, praising Broth. Jonas and Jon Olsson as able to hear confessions on Jansson's behalf. Probable date, 1845, Sweden, PN BHHA 1969.
Minutes, excerpts from court records in Norrala, 1845 "Utdrag af Häradsrättens Protocoll, hållet wid Urtima Ting med Norrala Tingslag a Uppl. Myskje (?) Gästgifwaregård, följande dagar 1845. Den 18 mars no 2 copied by P.J. Stoneberg from a certified Swedish copy. Trial concerning damages incurred at Lynäs "riot" Oct 26 1844 against Jansson and several followers. 15 pp. PJS BHHA Sep 1971.
Minutes, excerpts from court records in Forsa, 1845 "Utdrag af Protokollet. hållet vid urtima Ting med Forssa Tingslag, tingstället i Sanna den 29 augusti 1845, 21 juli 1845. Court trial records concerning Erik Janssons illegal prechings and the decision to seek his arrest. Includes depositions concerning prayer meetings and Jansson's mental condition, 26 pp. PJS BHHA Sep 1971.
Manuscript, excerpt of the story of the Lay readers' movement in Osterunda, Sweden, 1843-1846 (utdrag af Berättelsen om Läseriet i Österunda åren 1843-46) 24 pp. see also Erik Jansonisternas Historia. Hallsen papers. PN BHHA 1969.
Power of Attorney, to Olof Jansson by Jon Olsson, guardian for Christina Jonsdotter, Anders Andersson and Anna Pehrsdotter, to act on their behalf in Sweden, dated Jan 51849 and transcribed into Swedish, witnessed by Swedish-Norwegian Consul in New York Edwald Habicht, PN BHHA 1969.
Manuscript, copy of an account of Erik Jansson's arrest at Alfta, Sweden, 1844. (Egen berättelse om Erick Jansons arestering i Alfta socken Helsingland den 10 1844 Langhed, hos bonden Olof Persson." Hellsen Papers, 4 pp. PN BHHA 1969.
Accounting, with Olof Johnsson /Stoneberg/ at Klockaregården and concerning emigration.
1. Räkning med bonden Olof Jonsson.
2. Cr. Anders Olsson & Jon Erikson - räkning med skeppet New York från Gävle.
3. Andr. Olofson & Jon Erikson.
4. Nota 14 augusti 1846 - food purchases for ship New York.
5. Uppgifna räckning af H. Hurtig i Bishop Hill den 28 april 1848, 2 pieces, PN BHHA 1959.
2 pieces PN BHHA 1959.
Letter, dated New York, the last day of September 1845 to Mother, probably written by Olof Olsson. Tells about meeting with Hedstrom etc.
Lettercopy, from Erik Jansson to followers, Spring 1846. Written about flight over mountains to Norway from Sweden with Lars Gabrielsson from Malung 8 pp. g-1. BHHA 1971.
Manuscript, fragment. Advice to followers about never to start discussions with book-learned people. C-1 1965 BHHA 1971.
Manuscript, Erik Jansson. A few words showing the difference between grace and nature in people baptized... written by landowner Erik Jansson in Sankarby, Österunda. C-1 Letter no. 3, 96 pp. BHHA Aug 1971.
Manuscript, Morning prayer, 16 pp., C-1, BHHA Aug 1971.
Manuscript, Hymns, 88 pp., C-1 1965 BHHA Aug 1971.
Manuscript, Erik Jansson (?). "Ett ord talat i sinom tid, som tydeligen utvisar var Gud är... 48 pp. 1846 C-1, BHHA Aug 1971.
Manuscript, Erik Jansson's Psaml No 61, dated Forsa (?) 1845, 16 pp. C-1 1965 BHHA Aug 1971.
Manuscript, Song Book belonging to A. Stenberg. C-1 1965, BHHA 1965 Aug 1971.
Manuscript, "Några lärdomar som är lika som'et ord i sinom tid och kan af Dem Som tror på mig, Bagagnas till... 68 pp. C-1 1965 BHHA Aug 1971.
Manuscript, Erik-Janssonisternas Historia, handwritten in ink probably by John Hallsen. Compare first item on film roll 1. PN (PJS) BHHA 1969 Dec 1971. Includes "The first wheat harvest at Bishop Hill" and Lotta Root's testimony, written down by John Hallsen, Aug 26 1889.
Manuscript, J. Hallsen Papers on religious subjects in Hallsen's handwriting. Last part about lektor Waldenstrom.
Letter, dated Nekoma, Henry County, Illinois, 1903 to Emil Herlenius probably written by John Hallsen, L & E Miner BHHA 1964 Oct 1971.
Letter, dated Apr 22 1907 to Philip Stoneberg from John Hallsen concerning Erik Jansson's leadership as revealed in the Bible. PN (PJS) BHHA 1969, Oct 1971.
Letter, dated Jan 26 1901 from Eric Johnson, Wahoo, Nebraska, to John Hallsen, Nekoma, Illinois. Mentions manuscript which had been sent to Emil Herlenius in Sweden, 1 p. P&FN BHHA 1969, Oct 1971.
Cover page, of Tidskriften Herren Kommer utgiven på det Bereanska Traktatsällskapets förlag 1894 och 1895. With an explanatory note by P.J. Stoneberg, listing John Hallsen's contributions to this publication, 2 pp. PN (PJS) BHHA 1969, Oct 1971.
Publication, Religionens frihet från lag, samladt och till vissa delar skrifvet av J. Hallsen. Utgifven av Bereanska Traktatsällskapet, Stockholm, P. Palmquist Aktiebolags Boktryckeri 1895, 57 pp. PN (PJS) BHHA 1969, Oct 1971.
Publication, Erik Jansson, author: En Härlig Beskrifning på menniskans tillwäxt då hon helt är, enligt Johannes 15 Cap. inympade uti det sanna winträdet... Söderhamn, 1846, Blombergssons Boktryckeri, 32 pp. LJ/E. BHHA 1971, Oct 1971.
Letter, dated North America, Bishop Hill Feb 13, 1848 to Ångberg no signature, 29 pp. PN (PJS) BHHA 1969.
Manuscript, hymn "Ett Nordens Folk" about the Jansonists fight with the state church. Hallsen papers 1p PN PJS BHHA 1969.
Kungörelse, uppläst för Bishop Hill Colony söndagen den 25 oktober 1856. Notice read to members of Bishop Hill Colony, Sunday Oct 25 1856 concerning complaints against Colony preachers and minutes of meeting which followed concerning question of celibacy, 16 pp. LR BHHA Aug 1971.
Letter, dated Chicago Jul 1 1857 to Magnus Peterson, Bishop Hill from G. Unonius, concerning letter written on Peterson's behalf to Sweden, LR BHHA 1968.
Letter, to J.H. Widstrand, Buffalo, Minnesota, no date, probably first draft in answer to his of April 2 1858. Describes colony. LR BHHA 1968.
Letter, dated Buffalo, Minnesota Apr 2 1858 to the United Society of Swedes Bishop Hill from J.H. Widstrand, LR BHHA 1968.
Letter, dated Chicago Reform School Dec 28 1858 to Swan Swanson, Bishop Hill from A. Jacobi. LR BHHA 1968.
Letter, dated Bishop Hill Jan 14 1857 to C.M. Lindgren from J. Olsson LR BHHA 1968.
Letter, dated Bishop Hill Dec 5 1859 to Trustees and Members of the Bishop Hill Colony from Sven Bjorklund concerning watches.
Petition, delivered to Bishop Hill Colony Trustees Aug 29 1859 requesting reinstatement of coffee, signed Jons Erickson, Par Parsson, Jonas Hodlun, Jons Nordin, Joh. Chaiser, E. Lindqvist. 2 pp. LR BHHA 1968.
Memorandum of agreement, made Jan 21 1859 with Olof Johnson for 56 acres of "my farm". Signed W.B. Sweet(?).
Power of Attorney, to Olof Johnson from Bishop Hill Colony Trustees, dated Jan 26 1859, LR BHHA 1968.
Account, Land under cultivation for the Bishop Hill colony, 1859 8 pp. LR BHHA 1968.
Letter, dated Nora socken och Buckarby Jul 1 1875 to Brita Agren, Bishop Hill, from Carin Jansdotter. This letter is the property of Lyle M. Peterson, Galva, Illinois, 1 p. loaned to BHHA for microfilming Aug 24 1971.
Publication, Titel pages Swedish Bible, printed in Norrköping 1737, belonging to Lyle Peterson, Galva, Illinois.
Statistics, Emigration from Sweden to USA 1845-1847 from Gästrikland, from Hälsingland by villages, compilet by komminister David Othzén, Gruvberget, 29 pp. O.I. Donation, BHHA Aug 1971.
Letter, dated Jul 3, 1846 written aboard Charlotta in Stockholm to beloved friends in Hälsingland by Jon Olsson.
Passport, for Olof Johnson, May 1850.
Defense, Janssonist defense, Nov 2 1845. 2 handwritten papers LR.
Manuscript, by Erik Jansson. "Några ord som visar åtskillnad mellan Nådens natur hos de människor som äro döpta i Jesu Namn..." Compare manuscript Roll 1 item 15.
Prayers, Table grace by Eric Jansson.


Skapad2022-05-03 09:12:10
Senast ändrad2022-05-03 09:12:10