Andersson, Johan

Census 1910

Name Andersson, Johan
Home parish
Home parish Torup
Place of residence
Place of residence Tranabo
Deanery Falkenberg
County Halland
Birth year
Birth year 1868
Birth parish
Birth parish Torup Hallands län
Occupation Hemmansägare
Marital status
Marital status Gift
Gender Man
Family status code
Family status code Far/man
Family no
Family no 1
Page 33
Row 4
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

About the household

About the household

Persons in the household
Fam. no 1
Fam. no 1 Andersson, Johan, b. 1868 in Torup Hallands län, Hemmansägare
Andersdotter, Selma Augusta, b. 1870 in Torup Hallands län
Anna Sofia, b. 1896 in Torup Hallands län
Emma Kristina, b. 1899 in Torup Hallands län
Maria, b. 1903 in Torup Hallands län
Jenny Charlotta, b. 1910 in Torup Hallands län
Svea Linnea, b. 1906 in Torup Hallands län