From Jan Rutgers/Hovråd, Resident to Axel Oxenstierna

Axel Oxenstierna's works and letters

Date 1625-02-11 (Or: st.n.) Haag
Reg. no
Reg. no 2210
Contents As regards the payment of the loan, Rutgers reports that he has obtained a one-year's prolongation after some difficulties caused by the Dutch's lack of funds. To raise money, they have even had to pledge the monthly subsidies from Venice to merchants, who pay in advance. - The Dutch Republic has got financial support from France, England and Venice but Sweden has turned down its petitions. Baron van Leuth [Flodorff] has now presented a plan to the States General and Prince Maurice that would enable Gustav II Adolf to give support to the Dutch without it costing him anything. He could lease out the export tolls on the trade to Poland, Lithuania, Russia and the Baltic cities to merchants who would pay in advance. In this way he could raise 370,000 florins a year, enough to pay for 3,000 soldiers. The States General have asked Rutgers to recommend the plan to the King. - As regards Breda, they are still trying to dam up the river. Mansfeld has arrived in Zeeland with 18,000 foot soldiers, 4,500 horse soldiers are expected from France and 300 from England. Totally the States General will have 10,000 horse soldiers. Anholt and Tilly, who had been ordered to counter Mansfeld, believed that he would march to Artois through France, but instead he sailed to Zeeland. For that reason, Rutgers now thinks that Doubleth's mission [see Rutgers' letter of 1625-01-28, 2208] was a stratagem in order to divert the enemy's attention from Mansfeld's passage. - In France, the British marriage has occurred, according to the French ambassador [cf. Rutgers' letter of 1625-01-28, 2208]. - Soubise [see Rutgers' letter of 1625-01-28, 2208] is reported to have escaped to Ireland. No prince followed him. The Reformists dissociated themselves from him. He is said to have rebelled because Louis XIII did not pay him the 150,000 guilders he had promised. - For developments in the Valtelline, Rutgers refers to enclosures. The Pope has sent the head of his bodyguard to overtake his ambassador to France. Rutgers assumes that the ambassador is instructed to negotiate about the return of the Valtelline and that the Pope wants to change his instructions. - The Dutch have got reassuring news from Denmark. The French ambassador has carried out his charge successfully [cf. Rutgers' letter of 1625-01-28, 2208].
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Language Latin
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Amended 2016-01-08
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