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    • Statsförvaltning (86)
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Showing record 1-50 of 86
1. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Wrangel af Adinal, Beata Elisabet

Note: Se Taube af Odenkat, Evert Fredrik
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2. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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3. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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4. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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5. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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6. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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7. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Wijnblad, Johanna Maria

Note: Se Taube af Odenkat, Fredrik Evert
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8. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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9. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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10. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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11. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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12. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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13. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: von Rentheln, Evert

Note: Se Pepersack, Johan, hans arvingar
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14. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: von Rentelen, Evert

Note: Se Reval
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15. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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16. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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17. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: von Delwig, Ewert

Note: Se Leijonhufvud, Moritz
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18. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: von Delwig, Ewert

Note: Se Ridderskapet i Estland
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19. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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20. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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21. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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22. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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23. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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24. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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25. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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26. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Taube, Eva Luitgard

Note: Se Taube af Odenkat, Evert Fredrik
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27. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Taube, Beata Elisabet

Note: Se Taube af Odenkat, Evert Fredrik
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28. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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29. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Taube af Odenkat, Fredrik Evert

Note: Hans änka Johanna Maria
Digitaliserat material finns

30. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Taube af Odenkat, Evert Fredrik

Note: Hans döttrar Beata Elisabet och Eva Luitgard
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31. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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32. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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33. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Taube af Odenkat, Evert Fredrik

Note: Hans Hustru Beata Elisabet
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34. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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35. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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36. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Pepersack, Johan

Note: Hans arvingar Evert von Rentheln, Georg Schimdts änka, Lorens Bonhoffs änka och Lucas Persins änka
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37. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Modée, Henrik Evert

Note: Hans änka Brita,född Lundgren
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38. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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39. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Lundgren, Brita

Note: Se Modée, Henrik Evert
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40. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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41. Cabinet meeting errands 1840–1920
Archive: Lantförsvarsdepartementet

Date: 1897-04-02
Case sentence: Ang. afsked för löjtnanten vid Vestgöta regemente C.A. Ewert.

42. Cabinet meeting errands 1840–1920
Archive: Lantförsvarsdepartementet

Date: 1867-08-07
Case sentence: Successionsförslag, vid Skaraborgs regemente, efter afskedade C.S. Öhnwall. Till UnderLöjtnantlön, UnderLöjtnanten F.R. Evert.

43. Cabinet meeting errands 1840–1920
Archive: Lantförsvarsdepartementet

Date: 1866-10-30
Case sentence: Officersbefordran i Skaraborgs regemente för Furiren derstädes F.R. Ewert.

44. Cabinet meeting errands 1840–1920
Archive: Lantförsvarsdepartementet

Date: 1856-12-02
Case sentence: SuccessionsFörslag, vid Götha ArtilleriRegemente, efter aflidne P.W. Evert. Till Capiten med högre lön, Capitenen med lägre lön C.N. Berg. Till Capiten med lägre lön, Capitenen i Regementet C.E. af Ch...

45. Cabinet meeting errands 1840–1920
Archive: Lantförsvarsdepartementet

Date: 1856-01-31
Case sentence: C.L. Ewert och G.A. Mannerheim erhålla halfbetalande Cadettplatser vid KrigsAcademien.

46. Cabinet meeting errands 1840–1920
Archive: Lantförsvarsdepartementet

Date: 1846-10-17
Case sentence: SuccessionsFörslag, vid Götha ArtilleriRegemente, efter aflidne S.D. Thorén. Till högre Capitenslön, Capitenen med lägre lön P.W. Evert. Till Capiten med lägre lön, Lieutenanten G.R. Holming. Till Lie...

47. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Kahlen, Evert

Note: Hans arvingar
Digitaliserat material finns

48. Cabinet meeting errands 1840–1920
Archive: Justitiedepartementet

Date: 1920-10-22
Case sentence: Ang. tillstånd för finske undersåten Johan Evert Luttunen att vistas här i riket.

49. Cabinet meeting errands 1840–1920
Archive: Justitiedepartementet

Date: 1867-06-06
Case sentence: Borgmästaren i Göteborg C.H. Evert, om afsked.

50. Cabinet meeting errands 1840–1920
Archive: Justitiedepartementet

Date: 1859-08-30
Case sentence: Und. ansökning om Svensk medborgarerätt af E. Evert från Preussen.