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Showing record 201-250 of 54971
201. Census
Name: Karlén, Carl J. H. Gustaf

Birth year: 1825
County: Södermanlands län
Census year: 1880
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202. Census
Name: Carl Henrik

Birth year: 1874
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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203. Census
Name: Carl Otto

Birth year: 1869
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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204. Census
Name: Carl Alfred

Birth year: 1871
County: Stockholms län
Census year: 1890
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205. Census
Name: Carl August

Birth year: 1861
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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206. Census
Name: Carl Johan

Birth year: 1872
County: Stockholms län
Census year: 1890
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207. Census
Name: Carl Johan

Birth year: 1889
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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208. Census
Name: Carl August

Birth year: 1889
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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209. Census
Name: Carl Uno

Birth year: 1887
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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210. Census
Name: Carl Alfred

Birth year: 1869
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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211. Census
Name: Carl Alfred

Birth year: 1886
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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212. Letter collections and correspondence
Sender: Carlander, Carl

Recipient: Carlander, August H.
Year and number: 1833-1867 (31)
Register: Brevskrivarregister - Kungliga biblioteket

213. Inventory of estates
Name: Holmqvist, Carl Mauritz

Year: 1861-04-04
Place of residence: Södrahult
Relative's name: Holmqvist, H.

214. Census
Name: Carl Alfred

Birth year: 1868
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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215. Census
Name: Carl Alfred

Birth year: 1865
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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216. Census
Name: Carl Alfrid

Birth year: 1867
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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217. Census
Name: Carl Algot

Birth year: 1864
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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218. Census
Name: Carl August

Birth year: 1872
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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219. Census
Name: Carl August

Birth year: 1862
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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220. Census
Name: Carl August

Birth year: 1873
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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221. Census
Name: Carl August

Birth year: 1867
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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222. Census
Name: Carl Einar

Birth year: 1887
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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223. Census
Name: Carl Erik

Birth year: 1869
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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224. Census
Name: Carl Gottfrid

Birth year: 1877
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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225. Census
Name: Carl Gottfrid

Birth year: 1889
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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226. Census
Name: Carl Gunhard

Birth year: 1886
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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227. Census
Name: Carl Gustaf

Birth year: 1886
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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228. Census
Name: Carl Helge

Birth year: 1884
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1900
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229. Census
Name: Carl Hjalmar

Birth year: 1873
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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230. Census
Name: Carl Johan

Birth year: 1877
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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231. Census
Name: Carl Johan

Birth year: 1872
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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232. Census
Name: Carl Ludvig

Birth year: 1868
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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233. Census
Name: Carl Olof

Birth year: 1874
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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234. Census
Name: Carl Oscar

Birth year: 1871
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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235. Census
Name: Carl Oscar

Birth year: 1869
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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236. Census
Name: Carl Oscar

Birth year: 1873
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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237. Census
Name: Carl Oskar

Birth year: 1870
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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238. Census
Name: Carl Otto

Birth year: 1859
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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239. Census
Name: Carl Teodor

Birth year: 1877
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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240. Census
Name: Johansson, Carl

Birth year: 1859
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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241. Census
Name: Carl Anton

Birth year: 1871
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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242. Census
Name: Carl Arvid

Birth year: 1867
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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243. Census
Name: Carl August

Birth year: 1866
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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244. Census
Name: Carl August

Birth year: 1877
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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245. Census
Name: Carl August

Birth year: 1872
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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246. Census
Name: Carl Axel

Birth year: 1877
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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247. Census
Name: Carl Axel

Birth year: 1873
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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248. Census
Name: Carl Axel

Birth year: 1877
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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249. Census
Name: Carl Emil

Birth year: 1876
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1880
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250. Census
Name: Carl Emil

Birth year: 1878
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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