From Jakob Spens to Axel Oxenstierna

Axel Oxenstierna's works and letters

Date 1614-05-09 London
Reg. no
Reg. no 3505
Contents From daily conversations with the Danish emissary, Sir Andrew Sinclair, Spens has acquired more detailed information about his instructions: Christian IV had learnt that the States General would take action if he levied equally heavy tolls on the Dutch as his father. For this reason he sent Sir Andrew to find out how James I would react if it came to war. James was very surprised and summoned the Dutch ambassador, making it clear that he would support Christian, his brother-in-law. The States General answered that they had not had any hostile intentions and that they would have consulted James I before taking action. James then sent letters to Count Maurice and the States General through Sir Andrew promising satisfaction for injuries inflicted on them. James has suggested that Christian IV join the defensive alliance that exists between himself, the States General and some German princes. Up to now, Christian has put off doing this until all differences with the Dutch are settled. He is also afraid of what Gustav II Adolf might plan against him. – As regards a respite for the payment of Älvsborg’s ransom, a delay of the later payment would have been possible if the peace settlement had been sent for ratification by James I, but a postponement of the first payment would not give him enough advantage. – Spens asks AO to handle Sir Andrew Keith’s, Walter Finlayson’s, John Coote’s and Sir Robert Stewart’s petitions in a positive spirit.– Anders Bureus has arrived. James I approved of the peace treaty [between Denmark and Sweden] and proposed that he should negotiate a similar peace treaty between Sweden and Russia. – Spens has not yet got his pay.
Original/transcript Orig, kansli
Language Latin
Storage/hallmark RA/Oxenstiernska samlingen Axel Oxenstierna av Södermöre//E 724
Reference Engelsk översättning i Duncan, Archibald, The Diplomatic Correspondence of Sir James Spens of Wormiston (manuskript i Uppsala universitetsbibliotek, E 379 d:1), s. 65-68.
Print AOSB II:13, s. 35 ff.
Amended 2013-05-03
Editor of the document text
Editor of the document text Arne Jönsson
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