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Showing record 1-20 of 5823
1. Statlig myndighet
Name: Gårdby församling

Reference code: SE/VALA/110

2. Bebyggelseenhet
Name: Gårdby - Gårdby församling

3. Kommun / stad / köping
Name: Gårdby kommun

Dates of existence: 1863–1951

4. Socken / församling
Name: Gårdby församling

Dates of existence: –2001

5. Arkiv
Title: Gårdby kyrkoarkiv
Date: 1640 – 1999
Record creator / Origination: Gårdby församling

Kept by: Riksarkivet i Vadstena (depå: Slottet)
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6. Inventory of estates
Name: Gårdby, Martin Julius

Year: 1993
Place of residence: Mjölby

7. Inventory of estates
Name: Gårdby, Karl Josef

Year: 1961
Place of residence: Vikingstad

8. Census
Name: Gårdby, Karl Josef

Birth year: 1901
County: Östergötlands län
Census year: 1930
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9. Census
Name: Albin Herman Constantin

Birth year: 1886
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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10. Census
Name: Axel Bernhard

Birth year: 1882
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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11. Census
Name: Engström, Lars

Birth year: 1815
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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12. Census
Name: Eriksson, Jonas

Birth year: 1845
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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13. Census
Name: Jaensdotter, Anna Maria

Birth year: 1815
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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14. Census
Name: Palm, Emma Mathilda

Birth year: 1863
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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15. Census
Name: Svensson, Lars Gustaf

Birth year: 1846
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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16. Census
Name: Algot Emanuel

Birth year: 1877
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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17. Census
Name: Algot Joachim

Birth year: 1876
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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18. Census
Name: Amy Alfrida Constance

Birth year: 1886
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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19. Census
Name: Carl Ejnar Paulinus

Birth year: 1884
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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20. Census
Name: Christina Ottilia Charlotta

Birth year: 1866
County: Kalmar län
Census year: 1890
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