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[Rapporter från MFS-uppdrag]

Fiskeristyrelsen. Swedmar, med föregångare, biståndssekretariat


ReferenskodSE/GLA/19219/F 11/F 11 c/6
Länk till posten
1995 – 1996  (Tidsomfång)
ArkivinstitutionRiksarkivet i Göteborg


Allmän anmärkningTropical Seagrass Communities in Sri Lanka, Patrik Johnson, mars 1995. Physiological responses of: Reef-building coral species exposed to reduced salinity and copper, FrerikMoberg och Magnus Nyström, juni 1995. Fish Seed in Zimbabwe, evaluation of production costs supply and demand, Peter Ragnebäck, juni 1995. La Pesca Artesanal de la Costa Pacifica de Bicaragua, Catrin Adamsson och Eva Lundgren, oktober 1995. Ecotourism Development in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve in Ecuador, Marco Blixt och Martin Lindén, oktober 1995. Planning and Management of Coastal Resources An Example from the Xuan Thuy Reserve in Vietnam, 1995/1996. Fish Population Stucture with Special Reference to Algae Farms: A Shallow Water Tropical Lagoon in Tanzania, Helene Nilsson och Helene Pettersson, september 1996. Dinoflagellate Cysts in Estuarine and Offshore Sediments around Mangalore, SW India, Anna Godhe 1996. Waste Management Practices: Recreational Boats and Marinas in Trinidad and Tobago, Christer Andersson, september 1996. The impact of Mining Activity on Fish: The Kafue River Zambia, Jörgen Åhgren och Stefan Örn, oktober 1996. Ecotoxicological Experiments Testing the Toxicity of a Sewage Effluent of Havana City, Cuba, to Two Species of Caribbean Crustaceans, Friedrike Ziegler, oktober 1996. A Comperative Study Between Rice Fields With and Without Fish in Southern Vietnam, Anna-Sara Gräns och Katarina Vestin, december 1996.


Skapad2014-06-13 14:12:42
Senast ändrad2014-06-13 15:46:53