From Jan Rutgers/Hovråd, Agent to Axel Oxenstierna

Axel Oxenstierna's works and letters

Date 1620-10-12 (Or: st.n.) Leipzig
Reg. no
Reg. no 2116
Contents Rutgers is sorry that he did not get the opportunity to meet AO in Germany, but is consoled by the fact that AO carried out his charge with great success. When Rutgers discussed Gustav II Adolf's marriage with King Frederick of Bohemia, he learnt that the elector of Brandenburg had sent a letter which alarmed Rutgers, but the King wrote an answer in support of Gustav II Adolf. How Sigismund of Poland reacted to the marriage is apparent from a report written by a Prussian councillor. - The situation in Bohemia has improved and they hope for victories. Gábor Bethlen has joined Frederick with 20,000 troops, and the Moravians too have sent reinforcements. - John George of Saxony has occupied Bautzen [the capital of Upper Lusatia], but the war against Bohemia is very unpopular. The Elector has been deprived of his Bohemian fiefs. - Two ambassadors from King James have arrived. When they stopped over at Dresden, they had their belongings searched, for John George had been told by the Emperor that they brought with them money for the King of Bohemia. - Rutgers recommends financial support to a Protestant church in Prague and asks for advice as regards a donation to Jo. Christ. von Wildeck by Erik Brahe and Gustaf Brahe [who had died in exile in Poland].
Original/transcript Orig, egenh.
Language Latin
Attachments Bilagorna saknas.
Storage/hallmark RA/Oxenstiernska samlingen Axel Oxenstierna av Södermöre//E 702
Amended 2015-12-04
Editor of the document text
Editor of the document text Arne Jönsson
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