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Showing record 1-20 of 338
1. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Löwen, Axel

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2. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Löwen, Axel

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3. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Löwen, Axel

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4. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Löwen, Axel

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5. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Löwen, Axel

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6. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Löwen, Axel

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7. Swedish National Biography
Name: Löwen, Axel

Occupation: Arméofficer, Generalguvernör, Riksråd
Born: 1686
Death: 1772

8. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Löwen, Axel

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9. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Löwen, Axel

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10. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Löwen, Axel

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11. Swedish National Biography
Name: Löwen, Axel

Born: 1729
Death: 1802

12. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
Name: Löwen, Axel

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13. Letter collections and correspondence
Sender: Ribbing af Koberg, Axel

Recipient: Löwen, Axel f. 1729 d. 1802
Year and number: 1777 (1)
Register: Brevskrivarregister - Riksarkivets enskilda arkiv och samlingar

14. Person (släkt)
Name: Löwen, Axel

Date: 1807 – 1875
Reference code: SE/RA/6675

15. Person (släkt)
Name: Löwen, Axel

Date: 1686 – 1772
Reference code: SE/RA/9031

16. Inventory of estates
Name: Löwen, Axel

Year: 1800

17. Inventory of estates
Name: Löwen, Axel

Year: 1807

18. Inventory of estates
Name: Löwen, Axel

Year: 1803

19. Person (släkt)
Name: Löwen, Carl Axel

Date: 1780 – 1811
Reference code: SE/RA/6674

20. Personal records of correspondence to the Royal Majesty
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