Löhr, Tekla Alfrida

Census 1930

Name Löhr, Tekla Alfrida
Home parish
Home parish Norra Vram
Place of residence
Place of residence Norrevång
Page in the parish register
Page in the parish register 239
Deanery Norra Luggude
County Malmöhus
Birth year
Birth year 1903
Birth parish
Birth parish Höja Kristianstads län
Occupation Hemmadotter
Marital status
Marital status Ogift
Year of arrival
Year of arrival 1923
Arrived from
Arrived from Västra Broby Kristianstads län
Gender Kvinna
Family status
Family status d. d.
Family status code
Family status code Mor/fru
Family no
Family no 3
Education 3 (småskola, folkskola)
Page 17
Row 16
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

About the household

About the household

Persons in the household
Fam. no 1
Fam. no 1 Löhr, Gustaf, b. 1855 in Höja Kristianstads län, Torpare f.d. Pens.
Fam. no 2
Fam. no 2 Löhr, Ellen, b. 1899 in Höja Kristianstads län, Hemmadotter Pens.
Fam. no 3
Fam. no 3 Löhr, Tekla Alfrida, b. 1903 in Höja Kristianstads län, Hemmadotter
Gösta Berthold, b. 1923 in Norra Vram Malmöhus län