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Showing record 101-120 of 2957910
101. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1902
County: Göteborgs och Bohus län
Census year: 1910
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102. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1905
County: Kronobergs län
Census year: 1910
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103. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1887
County: Stockholms stad
Census year: 1900
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104. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1883
County: Stockholms stad
Census year: 1890
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105. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1888
County: Stockholms stad
Census year: 1910
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106. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1879
County: Jönköpings län
Census year: 1880
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107. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1879
County: Skaraborgs län
Census year: 1890
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108. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1899
County: Stockholms stad
Census year: 1900
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109. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1874
County: Stockholms stad
Census year: 1890
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110. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1885
County: Stockholms stad
Census year: 1890
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111. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1896
County: Västerbottens län
Census year: 1900
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112. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1906
County: Stockholms stad
Census year: 1910
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113. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1896
County: Göteborgs och Bohus län
Census year: 1900
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114. Court records, Västra hundred, county of Jönköping
Name: Tor

Place, Parish/Town: Hylletofta, Hylletofta
Date: 1615-02-23 §9
Subject: Slagsmål (svarande)
Note: Blodvite på Måns hustru.

115. Court records, Västra hundred, county of Jönköping
Name: Tor

Place, Parish/Town: Staveryd, Nydala
Date: 1632-10-02 §23
Subject: Tvist diverse (omnämnd)

116. Court records, Västra hundred, county of Jönköping
Name: Tor

Place, Parish/Town: Hylletofta Pilagård, Hylletofta
Date: 1723-11-04 §134
Subject: Underhåll av hus (svarande)

117. Court records, Västra hundred, county of Jönköping
Name: Tor

Place, Parish/Town: Sävsjö Kistegård, Norra Ljunga
Date: 1725-02-12 §105
Subject: Underhåll av hus (svarande)

118. Court records, Västra hundred, county of Jönköping
Name: Tor

Place, Parish/Town: Mörhult, Svenarum
Date: 1730-02-16 §85
Subject: Tvist om fordran (svarande)

119. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1889
County: Stockholms stad
Census year: 1890

120. Census
Name: Tor

Birth year: 1901
County: Älvsborgs län
Census year: 1910
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