Gyldén, Johan Aug. Hugo

Census 1890

Name Gyldén, Johan Aug. Hugo
Home parish
Home parish Adolf Fredriks
Place of residence
Place of residence Bergsmannen större N:o 1
Deanery Stockholm
County Stockholms stad
Birth year
Birth year 1841
Birth place
Birth place Helsingfors
Birth country
Birth country Finland
Occupation Professor
Marital status
Marital status Gift
Gender Man
Family status code
Family status code Far/man
Family no
Family no 1
Nationality svensk undersåte
Page 205
Row 2
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

About the household

About the household

Persons in the household
Fam. no 1
Fam. no 1 Gyldén, Johan Aug. Hugo, b. 1841 in Helsingfors, Finland, Professor
v. Knebel, Henrietta Amalia Ter:a, b. 1842 in Jena Sachsen Veimar
Elsa Paulina Emilia, b. 1866 in Pulkowa Ryssland
Sigrid Maria Thyra, b. 1874 in Stockholm
Carl Ludvig Einar, b. 1880 in Stockholm
Gyldén, Olof Hans Oskar, b. 1867 in Jena Sachsen Weimar, Löjtnant
Fam. no 2
Fam. no 2 Jonson, Hilda Emilia Karol:a, b. 1869 in Mönsterås Kalmar län, Piga
Fam. no 3
Fam. no 3 Pettersson, Anna Lovisa, b. 1849 in Österhaninge Stockholms län, Piga