
Thai - Partner and Projects

Rädda barnens riksförbund

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12006 – 2011Instruction and guideline, location of action: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar. 
22006 – 2011Location of action: Thailand, Fhilippinerna, Timor-Leste, Solomon Island, Vietnam

Location of action: Thailand, Fhilippinerna, Timor-Leste, Solomon Island, Vietnam
32006 – 2011Programme strategy, programme meetings 
42006 – 2011Education- Partner ZOA, Education – Partner SCUK, Education – partner SCiM, Education- DCCN and education – Partner MKP 
52006 – 2011Education – Partner SCJ, 
62006 – 2011Planning (regional and country strategies, regional plan of operation, plan of action 
72009Child Protection –Partner ACA and SCUK 
82009Child Protection Partner – SC-FIJI 
92009 – 2010Education, partner MKP(the Art of Peace) 
102009 – 2012Education, partner KAPE 
112010Emergency – Flood Responses, Civil Society and child rights, partner CC and partner CRF 
122009 – 2012Child Protection Programme 
132010Child protection, Partner: SCiM, 
142009 – 2010Partner DRR, LKN and PYNA 
152006 – 2009Projects agreements, projects meetings. 
162009Projects summery 
172004 – 2008Partner: HKCCR, Project, Hong Kong Committee on children rights. 
182006 – 2008Partner: HKCCR, Project, Hong Kong Committee on children rights 
192006 – 2008Consultants for Child Protection Programme 
202005 – 2008Partner: SC Fiji. Campaign to address physical and emotional Punishment and other forms of violence against children I Fiji. 
212006 – 2008Partner: SUCK, Mongolia Towards Elimination Corporal Punishment of children in Mongolia. ACA, Actualize Zero Tolerance of Violence by Moving Beyond Corporal Punishment of children. 
222005 – 2008Partner: HEF, Promoting the Abolition of Physical and emotional Punishment of Children. Partner: SCUK, Philippines, national Public Education campaign against Physical and emotional punishment of children in the Philippines. Partner ACA, Mongolia and Hong Kong. Towards elimination Punishment of children in Mongolia. 
232005 – 2008Partner: CRF: Child rights foundation. Project plan, strategic plan, budget, financial reports and audit. 
242005 – 2008Partner CRF: Child rights foundation. Project plan, strategic plan, budget, financial reports and audit. 
252005 – 2008Child rights programme, 
262005 – 2008Education programme. 
272005 – 2008Reports from child-led Disaster Risk Reduction, Project in Thailand. Programme DRR. 
282005 – 2006Partner: Asian Resource Foundation 
292005 – 2007Tsunami response programme, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka. 
302005 – 2007Tsunami response programme, Indonesia 
312006 – 2007Projects: Rights Protection, Empowerment and participation of Children and Youth in Tsunami affected Areas. Partner: National Council for Child and Youth Development. 
322007 – 2008Partner: Fah Diow Foundation, Rabatbai
Project number: 23657, 23633,
Project: Child-led Disaster Risk Reduction Creating child-friendly physical environment.
332007 – 2008Project: chikd-led Disaaster Risk,
Partners: Tsunami Volunteer center(TVC) Friends without Borders (FWB) Thai Volunteer Service Foundation (TVS) Youth network for development network (YND)
342007 – 2008Project: Organizational development programme. Child Assistance for Mobilization and Participation.(CAMP)
Programme: Civil Society and Child Rights
352007 – 2008Project: organizational Development Programme, towards the Establishment of the Independent, Accountable and Effective Asian Human Rights commission with civil Society´s Involvement and Participation.
Partner: Children´s committee(CC) Forum-ASIA
362002Project No. 23605, 23601 and 23602 
372002Project No. 23618, 223609 
382002Disaster mitigation and management in Vietnam, emergency. 
392003Save the children Sweden – south east Asia Regional office, report on findings arising from the limited scope review. October/November 
401998 – 2000Report on findings arising from the limited scope revie; of the social development research and consultancy, training group, of the college of labor and social affairs, of the people police university, of the courts training school, of the department of education and training, of child welfare foundation, of the youth social work center, of national institute of educational sciences.
Report on findings arising from the limited scope review of the giang´s people´s committee; of the community based rehabilitation and inclusive education project of vinh phuc people´s committee, of women study department, of the department of education and training ho chi minh city, of the inclusive education training and networking and child rigjt convention training and networking projects of the department of education and training in vinh phuc provinc, of the ministry of education and training.
412002 – 2004Projects plan 
421995 – 2000Vietnam: Evalution of the two-wear tripartite, agreement of cooperation with radda barnen(vietnman) community family service international and four Vietnamese organizations. Summary of report. Verksamhetsplan. Evaluation of the save children alliance. The international save the children alliance 
432000 – 2003Vietnam: Verksamhetsplan, annual report international programme. (2001) Programme Area Strategies (2003) Plan of activites 2001-2003. 
442009 – 2012District 4, child friendly district, Children´s participation Csaga 
452004Alliance task group on participation 
462008Different project; Zoto