Johansson, Johan

Released prisoners

Name Johansson, Johan
Occupation Snickare
Birth date
Birth date 1829-02-03
Birth place
Birth place Arbrå
Birth county
Birth county Gävleborgs län
Place of residence
Place of residence Arbrå Gävleborgs län
Release place
Release place Arbrå Gävleborgs län
No in prison roll
No in prison roll 5753
No in portrait roll
No in portrait roll 927
Prison Långholmens straffängelse
Judicial authority
Judicial authority Arbrå o. Järvsö h.r.
Date when the punishment was sentenced
Date when the punishment was sentenced 1882-06-16
Length of sentence
Length of sentence 2 år 6 mån
The punishment started
The punishment started 1882-06-23
Release date
Release date 1884-11-23
Punishment Bedrägeri mot borgenär
Previous punishments
Previous punishments Ostraffad
Funds when released
Funds when released 29,99
Hair color
Hair color mörkbrunt
Beard mörkbrunt
Eye blå
Nose rak
Mouth ordinär
Skin ljus
Height 5,63 fot
Physique ordinär
Other distinguishing characteristic
Other distinguishing characteristic 1 större ärr på vänstra foten, 1 ärr i pannan.

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