Aktiebolaget Stockholms privatassistens

Incorporated companies 1901–1935

Company name
Company name Aktiebolaget Stockholms privatassistens
Year 1906
Mailing address
Mailing address Stockholm
Company purposes
Company purposes Att lämna lån mot lös egendom, som hos bolaget förvaras.
Latest articles of association
Latest articles of association 23 nov 1900
Offices/functions Hufvudkontor. Fredsgatan 24, Stockholm
Afdelningskontor: Filial 1 Smålandsgatan 40, Fil 222 Luntmakareg. 34 B, Fil 3 Sibylleg. 25, Fil 5 Pipersgatan 23.
Managing director
Managing director Wahlberg, F A, Dir.
Board members
Board members Rudberg, J, Med.d:r (ordf)
Wahlberg, F A, Dir. (vd) (kassadir)
Söderström, A F, Dir. (v.ordf)
Velander, Th., f.d. Bruksägare
Wahlberg, F R, Kamrerare (v.vd), jourhav.styrelseledamot
Wahlberg, F G, Grosshandlare (förste suppl)
Board seat
Board seat Stockholm
Share capital
Share capital Stam A: 500000
Stam B: 0
Stam C: 0
Stam D: 0
Stam E: 0
Pref A: 0
Pref B: 0
Pref C: 0
Number of shares
Number of shares 5000
Page of calendar
Page of calendar 321
Share-out 1934: 7 % (Stam A)
1933: 7 % (Stam A)
1932: 7 % (Stam A)
1931: 7 % (Stam A)
1930: 7 % (Stam A)
Profit of the year
Profit of the year 56640
Equity 806640
Total capital
Total capital 4668484
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

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