Mariestad-Moholms Jernvägs AB

Incorporated companies 1901–1935

Company name
Company name Mariestad-Moholms Jernvägs AB
Year 1935
Mailing address
Mailing address Göteborg
Company purposes
Company purposes Driften handhas av Västergötland-Göteborgs Järnvägs-AB, som äger nästan alla aktierna.
Latest articles of association
Latest articles of association 1927
Earlier articles of association
Earlier articles of association 17 maj 1872
Board members
Board members Mannheimer, H, Bankdir. (ordf)
Nyström, J, Överstelöjtnant (vd)
Silverschiöld, O, Friherre
Carlander, O, Godsägare
von Hofsten, E, Kammarherre
Dahlström, Axel, Exp.föreståndare
Wijkander, Th., Assuransdir.
Waller, Sven, Grosshandlare (suppl)
Westberg, L, Dir. (suppl)
Sandels, Claes, Kapten (suppl)
Berg, Otto, Reparatör (suppl)
Board seat
Board seat Mariestad
Share capital
Share capital Stam A: 249400
Stam B: 0
Stam C: 0
Stam D: 0
Stam E: 0
Pref A: 0
Pref B: 0
Pref C: 0
Number of shares
Number of shares 2494
Page of calendar
Page of calendar 866
Share-out 1934: 0 % (Stam A)
1933: 0 % (Stam A)
1932: 0 % (Stam A)
1931: 0 % (Stam A)
1930: 0 % (Stam A)
Profit of the year
Profit of the year -6
Equity 474
Total capital
Total capital 499
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

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