From Jan Rutgers/Hovråd, Kommissarie to Axel Oxenstierna

Axel Oxenstierna's works and letters

Date 1621-09-27 Hamburg
Reg. no
Reg. no 2123
Contents On his arrival in Hamburg, Rutgers had to take charge of the mail delivery to Sweden in van Sorgen's absence. - Christian IV is coming to an agreement with the Archbishop of Bremen regarding the matter of his son becoming coadjutor. The King is to let the Archbishop keep his position for life, grant amnesty to his servants and followers, reimburse the Archbishop for the costs he had in making improvements and pacify the Count of Oldenburg. The Dutch, including Prince Maurice, are indignant about Christian's having used the army to promote his own interests only, totally ignoring them. - The military and political situation of the Palatinate is desperate: Mansfeld has ceded his army to the Emperor, the British diplomatic initiative has not achieved anything as yet, in France, the Reformists are under attack and the Dutch do not move. - Rutgers has asked Sitzmann in Leipzig and Wolf Ernest in Prague to write regularly to AO. He expresses his immense joy at the Swedish capture of Riga, and, finally, asks for instructions about the payment of the interest on the Dutch loan to Sweden.
Original/transcript Orig, egenh.
Language Latin
Storage/hallmark RA/Oxenstiernska samlingen Axel Oxenstierna av Södermöre//E 702
Amended 2015-12-04
Editor of the document text
Editor of the document text Arne Jönsson
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