From Jan Rutgers/Hovråd, Agent to Axel Oxenstierna

Axel Oxenstierna's works and letters

Date 1620-08-18 (Or: st.n.) Prag
Reg. no
Reg. no 2114
Contents Rutgers is extremely happy about Gustav II Adolf's marriage and AO's commendation. He asks permission to go to Berlin for consultation. He sends copies of King Frederick's letters to Elector George William of Brandenburg and the Electress Mother and Camerarius' analysis. He has learnt that Gábor Bethlen has been crowned King of Hungary and that Frederick of Bohemia has been made Lord and Protector of Lower Austria. Frederick's letter to Gustav II Adolf has been sent by Dr. Eger to Sweden via Berlin. John George of Saxony is making preparations for war.
Original/transcript Orig, egenh.
Language Latin
Attachments Bilagorna saknas.
Storage/hallmark RA/Oxenstiernska samlingen Axel Oxenstierna av Södermöre//E 702
Amended 2015-12-04
Editor of the document text
Editor of the document text Arne Jönsson
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